The Spiritual Gifts

by Dreama Vance
December 10, 2017

Did you know that one of the best spiritual practices you can do is to “work” with your energy centers on a daily basis?

I am sure you are familiar with the seven major energy centers of the body, also called chakras. There are other smaller centers around the body and larger centers outside of the body. For our purposes we are going to focus on the seven major ones.

Many of you are advanced in your studies and you may think this is too elementary for you. I think, however, that when you begin to practice this teaching, you will be amazed at what you experience and, therefore, learn.

Today and on the coming three Fridays you will get a lesson from me. It is my gift to you and will cover the first four major chakras and how you work with them. We will cover the higher chakras in our upcoming course on Higher Energies.

First, let me reassure you that “working with the chakras” is not difficult and will only take five to ten minutes of your time. This is why we start with one chakra at a time. You will do this work in meditation when you are connected to Spirit and in a calm and receptive space.

One of the things that will happen when you begin to work with the chakras is you will develop your abilities to sense and feel the energies. This is soooo important. Each chakra has a different energy range, a different vibrational set of frequencies.

With practice, you will be able to discern these and experience the differences between them. This becomes very advantageous when you reach the spiritual levels of frequency, as they are very rapid. It is our goal to be able to navigate these higher frequencies with ease and to maintain our conscious focus at these higher vibrations and, indeed, these higher states of consciousness.


The seven major chakras are actually transmitters of energy. They each contain a gift from Spirit. You know that you are Spirit in manifested form. Accessing your vibrational frequencies at the different chakra levels allows you to access the different qualities, and attributes of Spirit. These actually are gifts and are given to us. We do not have to “earn” them. They are freely given.


Allow 5 or 10 minutes for total concentration in meditation. If you need to set a timer, do, so you can be totally relaxed and centered on the exercise. By being totally focused you will be able to sense the very subtle energies. We want to experience these as much as we can. If you have a favorite way to move into a meditational state, use your own method.

It is always a good idea to start any meditation with a clearing exercise. Here is one I like to use. It clears the physical body and consequently, the other subtle bodies as well.

Visualize the Sun above your head and to your right. Then visualize the Moon above your head on the left. The Sun sends a ray of light to the Moon. Then they both send down beams of light that come together into one ray that is sent down into the top of your head. In other words, those three lines of light form a triangle over your head. Bring that light down into your head, down into your body and feel it roll through you like a wave, cleansing away all stress and tension, all mental anxiety and worry. Let it roll all the way down to your toes, into the Earth. The Earth will take that energy and mulch it into clean, renewable energy for the Universe.


Use whatever technique works for you to move into meditation. If you don’t have one, simply follow your breath as you sit quietly, after the clearing described above, and notice a sense of peace and tranquility. Move into the present moment and notice that there is a Presence inside of you, breathing you, beating your heart.

Now move your consciousness to the base chakra, which is at the bottom of the spine. The energy centers are about the size of a lime, although they do expand and contract. The rainbow colors are the most widely used system for the chakras and that is what we will use.

Keep your attention focused on the base chakra. You can visualize the beautiful rosy red color of this energy ball. Notice what you are feeling. Observe. Move out with your inner senses and become aware of this energy. You may feel it pulsing. It has a vitality to it. It is the gateway of life energy for the physical body.

Using just your intention, allow the maximum amount of energy to enter this chakra. Keep your focus and attention on that energy center at the base of the spine. Notice as the energy expands and opens.

You may actually feel the energy boost in the physical body. Just observe.

Notice. Stay focused.

You may want to jot down your observations. This way you can see how you develop your abilities to experience the energy centers.

Practice this short exercise every day. By Friday you will be proficient at beginning to sense energy in the centers. This will develop and your ability will expand as we proceed with the next step.

Many blessings to you!

Announcement: Our Mastering Higher Energies course is beginning soon. If you haven’t already registered for this groundbreaking course on higher energies, be sure to check out the full details at:

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Believing is Seeing

by Owen K Waters

Today’s massive, ongoing Shift in consciousness is a shift from intellectual awareness to holistic awareness.

Intellectual awareness is a function of the solar plexus chakra, where mental ability is developed in a linear direction. Examples of linear thought include the performing of arithmetic and the operating of machinery. In this mode of consciousness, people have learned to develop a rigid discipline of “seeing is believing” in order to discover what works and what doesn’t.

With holistic awareness, the heart chakra is developed, allowing issues of separation to be resolved and integrated. Holistic awareness means that mind, body & spirit are seen as closely related facets of the human being. This heart-centered awareness is a viewpoint of integration or wholeness which heals the fears and discords that come with solar plexus consciousness.

There is a paradox with moving from linear intellect to heart-centered consciousness. While the intellectual phase of consciousness may say that “Seeing is believing,” the holistic phase requires quite the reverse. In holistic consciousness, opposites are often both true as they are seen as opposite sides of the same coin or as polar opposites of the same issue.

Awareness that is limited to the intellect is subject to issues of separation; of us versus them, of struggling for resources that are perceived as scarce instead of solving the problem of their scarcity. Holistic awareness includes the idea that consciousness creates realities, that something must be created in consciousness – “believed” – before they can become a reality.

So, in holistic consciousness, “Believing is seeing” becomes a statement of truth, even though it is the opposite of “Seeing is believing.” Instead, it adds the understanding that reality is created by consciousness. We are not merely observers of what is. We create what is.

Traditionally, people have entered a realm of holistic, heart-centered awareness when they pass on from this life. In the afterlife, their task is to heal the fears and hates of their physical lives and transform them into love and forgiveness, thus integrating themselves with others, rather than feeling separate from them.

Today, due to The Shift, more and more people are embracing holistic, heart-centered consciousness while still alive in physical bodies. As the heart is also the gateway to spiritual consciousness, this global movement is producing a revolution in spiritual unfoldment.

Spiritual consciousness is flowering in the global consciousness of humanity as The Shift progresses. Today’s pioneers in consciousness are people just like yourself. They are exploring the new territory of unconditional love and experiencing a reunion with their own inner, spiritual connections.

The higher aspect of heart-centered consciousness is fully connected to your inner being, or soul. Your inner being is fully connected to the consciousness of the universe and to that which created the universe. Infinite Being is within each of us. We are Infinite Being.

The daily focus that we apply to our five senses and their connection to the outside world is just like performing a part in a play. We act out the part of being us, along the general theme of the type of events that we planned for this life. We ride along through the journey of this life, gaining the type of experiences that we planned to gain.

When you open up to your heart, and through that, reconnect to your own spiritual source, then you have become a part of the very future of humanity.

The Shift is heading towards a world where unconditional love and acceptance is normal, where strife is relegated to the distant past, where the true potential of human beings can express itself in the daily joy of being all that you are.

Recommended further reading – The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness (Updated Edition, November 2016) by Owen Waters.

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The Shift: The Time Is Now

by Dreama Vance

Listen. Do you hear it? It is like the flutter of tiny wings in your heart. It is calling to you.

It calls so softly. Is it more a feeling? A rhythm that pulls you, do you hear it? You hear it in your soul, the inner Self. It is who you really are. You cannot deny it, because it is you. When you hear it, that soft flutter, you respond.

Your heart yields to the call. It is the clarion call. You have heard it before and you have responded. Long before your first incarnation on this beautiful planet, you heard the call. Love poured forth from you. “Yes,” you said. “Yes.”

Through many lifetimes, hardships and challenges in the valley of forgetfulness, we have continued to endure and respond with “Yes.”

Now is the time. You can hear the call again. You remember. You awaken. “Oh, yes!”, you cry as you embrace that remembered moment. You remember the love that flooded your being. You remember the joy of answering the call to be of service. “Yes,” you said, “a thousand times, yes!”

Now is the time you can hear the call again. “Rise up! Now is the time!” For so long we have waited. But now we hear the clarion call, awakening us to ACTION. We are being called so clearly, so insistently, to action. NOW IS OUR TIME. TAKE ACTION NOW. Embrace freedom.

Let Life flow through you. Awaken to God within you. See God all around you. Embrace freedom as you change your life and show others how to change theirs. Use your gifts. Fulfill your mission. You are here for a reason. You have a spiritual reason for being here now. It is time. NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW IS OUR TIME.

GET MOVING. Begin your work. You may feel you have been doing your work and fulfilling your mission but NOW IS THE TIME.

Re-assess, re-evaluate. The energy of change is pounding at the door. This is a tidal wave of energy that will uplift us if we listen. It will empower us if we let it. It will embrace us and change us and freedom will be sounded with this clarion call.

Dear ones, Now is The Time! Wake up from your daily lives. Remember why you are here! You are here for this moment in history. Don’t sleep through it! This is a call to action. Turn off the TV and any other distractions.

Listen and follow the rhythm of your heart. Get moving.

The time is now.

Recommended further reading – The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness (Updated Edition, November 2016) by Owen Waters.

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What Is Real?

by Owen K Waters

What is real? What is there to hold on to?

One of the main reasons for experiencing life on Earth is to discover what is real. We spend our lives coming here, going there, trying this and trying that. We acquire physical things and eventually let them go. Life’s experiences pass by like so much water under the bridge.

One constant in all of life’s ever-changing realities is the inner observer. This aspect of your inner self is present in all of life’s experiences, watching, learning, remembering. However, when you go even deeper than this, you reach the underlying basis of all consciousness, the awareness that, simply, you exist.

This fundamental awareness can be summarized in two words: “I am.”

The great “I Am” presence

You are one individual viewpoint of the great I Am, the consciousness of All That Is, the all-inclusive and all-embracing Infinite Being.

Consciousness is reality. Experiences may change from minute to minute, but underneath the flow of experiences lies that constant awareness, the sense of being that says, “I am.”

Life is about experiences which unfold at different locations in space and time. Space, however, is merely a construct of the Creator’s consciousness. The concept of space was created to allow an infinite variety of viewpoints to exist.

Time is also a construct of consciousness. Time enables change within space, making events and experiences possible.

Is physical matter a construct of consciousness? Matter is composed of energy, and energy, like all things in life, is a construct of consciousness.

The definition of energy

Energy is compressed consciousness.

galaxy2Each unit of energy is formed by counter-rotating vortexes of Intent. These vortexes push together to form a tiny sphere of compressed consciousness within their center, which becomes a particle of living energy.

Intent and Love in motion are the original, fundamental principles used in Infinite Being’s creation of the universe. Like thought and feeling, these aspects of being operate as complements to each other, and yet each one can be defined as an underlying, fundamental principle. When intent, the principle of thought, and love, the principle of feeling, are set into motion, then one invokes the other. The same complementary action occurs in electromagnetism when electricity is set into motion. The electrons – particles of compressed, original Intent – invoke a complementary magnetic field within the fabric of space.

The fabric of space is created by the Love aspect of the Creator. Love is the aspect of Infinite Being which provides the supportive matrix upon which all else is built. From the point of view of physics, the fabric of space would be defined as pure, inert, magnetic energy. Or, at least, it would be if physics had gotten around to defining it yet. It used to be called the aether, but its properties were not fully understood at the time. Physics, for the most part, does not currently believe in the aether, does not currently believe in a Creator of the universe, and, as a result, has no idea why particles of energy exhibit signs of consciousness.

The original Creation


Before the original Creation occurred, Infinite Being formed an expression of itself which was to become the Creator of the universe. Then, as the One Creator, it focused its Intent, expressed its Love, and brought these two aspects of Itself into motion. All of the universe was built upon these underlying principles, which make possible the facets of Creation such as time, space, energy and matter.

A universe in motion makes possible the changes we call experience. But if life is constantly changing, then what is there to hold on to? What is unchangingly real?

Unchanging reality is to be found beneath those fundamental aspects of the Creator’s Intent and Love in motion. Infinite Being is the underlying reality. Infinite Being is all that is, it never changes. Being is pure potential, whereas doing is the acting out of that potential.

The underlying reality of Infinite Being is complete beingness. Infinite Being is real. It never changes. It always is; just is.

How do you connect with reality? By meditating, by using the affirmation, “I am Infinite Being,” you can build your connection daily to the true reality which lies within you.

When you make spirituality your number one priority at the start of each day, then daily meditation becomes a habit, something which occurs with ease. By building that inner bridge to reality, you are empowering your own potential and also helping to shift the global mind toward enlightenment.

Owen Waters is the author of Freedom of the Spirit: Four Steps to Spiritual Freedom, which contains the FREEdom technique. This frees your spirit to soar to new heights of spiritual awareness by combining today’s most proven and time-tested spiritual practices in one powerful and effective package.

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The Colors of Creation

by Owen K Waters

There are schools of thought which believe that light and darkness are opposites and that a battle between the two is part of the way the universe was created.

The same people also tend to believe that, while spirit is full of light, all matter – and that includes our physical bodies – is full of darkness and therefore flawed.

It all sounds a bit like the idea promoted by medieval-era church teachings – that we are worthless, defective, diseased sinners who need to appease some guy in a pulpit if we are to ever have a chance of putting things right.

Darkness and light are not opposites. Bright sunshine is bright light. Shadow is less-bright light. They are both degrees of light, not opposites.

The same misconceptions show up in other traditions. Yin and Yang have often been portrayed in ways that are no longer seen to be valid in today’s era of scientific thinking. Yang has been portrayed as the sunny side of a mountain or a river, while Yin is the shaded side. Again, these are just differences in the degree of light.

Yin and Yang are not cold and hot, for those conditions are just degrees of the same energy – heat. They are not even positive and negative, for that would imply that they are different poles of the same energy. One thing that three centuries of science has given us is the ability to see things in better definition. Today, we even understand that both heat and light are expressions of the same electromagnetic energy, but at different frequencies of expression.

To understand the true nature of Yin and Yang, you have to realize that they are actually different energies. They are both expressions of the energy of the Creator. Without either one, the universe could not exist.

Perhaps the best examples of Yin and Yang energies are magnetism and electricity. Magnetism draws objects together while electricity holds the potential to do work. When combined and set into motion, these energies produce physical light – an expression of electromagnetic energy.

Yang energy is the energy of expansion. It pushes outward, as if to explore the universe.

Yin energy is the energy of balance and harmony. It counter-balances the potential of Yang energy to bring it into a usable form as light.

Light is energy in motion.

The physical light that we see is just one manifestation of the energy that cascades through the realms of existence, powering all forms of life. Light manifests on all levels – as physical light, as etheric life energy, as mental energy, and as other essential forms of energy.

If Yin and Yang are not really darkness and light, then perhaps the colors of the Yin and Yang symbol should not be black and white. We could even get creative! These days, we have colors to use in portraying such concepts.

For example, how about the colors of the primary human chakras? Let’s take the chakras of immediate concern to humans – the solar plexus, the heart and the throat chakras.

Blue is the color of the throat chakra and its natural resonance with the soul and its unlimited spiritual connection. Blue and spirituality – what a perfect match.

Green is the color of the heart chakra and its primary purpose of bringing harmony to human consciousness. Green and harmony – what a perfect match.

Yellow is the color of the solar plexus chakra and its focus upon empowering, rational thought rather than the superstition and fear of bygone eras. Yellow, the sunshine color, and empowered energy – what a perfect match.

Most of all, in our journey back to conscious connectedness with our souls and the divine, let’s remember that we are deserving of all the light that the Creator sends us each and every minute of every day.

Owen Waters is the author of The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness. The new, Updated Edition of this groundbreaking book is now available for immediate download at:

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Radiant Heart Energy

by Owen Waters

The gateway to spiritual consciousness is through the heart.

The Creator designed the human experience to consist of twelve stages of evolving consciousness. As I detailed from the original research in my first book, The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness, these range all the way from basic survival to the ultimate state of spiritual consciousness.

Much of the 20th century was devoted to the fifth stage of human consciousness, which is intellectual development. Today, people are migrating in droves to the next stage of human growth, which is heart-centered consciousness.

When a person focuses their intellect through the lens of heart-centered consciousness, they see how much the world needs help and healing rather than the old ways of competition and destruction. The initial stage of heart-centered consciousness produces a constructive, global outlook. It also places a person just one short step from the later stage of heart-centered consciousness and the dawning of spiritual awareness.

“Love your neighbor as yourself” is a guideline that has been with us since the early days of human development. Today, it’s no longer a distant ideal to be sought. The mass shift to heart-centered consciousness means that unconditional love now comes to people naturally.

The complete love and acceptance of yourself and others is the heartbeat of the New Reality.

Feeling unconditional love towards others is the key to successful, meaningful interactions with everyone with whom you meet in any situation. Feeling unconditional love towards yourself fosters a healthy sense of self-esteem which builds a positive reality based upon mutual support.

Even if there are outer behaviors that need improvement in yourself or others, it is unconditional love that is the key that will find the solutions that will bring positive transformation to those behaviors.

Once you begin to think with an open heart, you are stepping from basic human consciousness into the spiritual stages of human development. This is exactly what we came to earth to accomplish because finding spirituality is fundamental to the human experience. It may take courage to move into heart-centered consciousness, but once you acquire the expanded view of a life filled with love, you will never want to step back to the way things were.

You will soon find that any worries or fears that arise in your life can be transformed by the greatest power in the universe – that of unconditional love. It is the power of love that holds the universe together. It is a force of attraction that permeates every cell of your body and constantly reminds you of the love of the Creator for all of life.

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The Final Frontier: The Shift From Heart to Soul Consciousness

by Owen K Waters

Star Trek debuted on American television in 1966 in the heyday of the Space Race. The world was fascinated by the new possibilities for humanity that this imaginative series promoted. Its mind-expanding message was announced at the start of each episode.

StarshipEnterprise“Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.”

Today, there is a cosmic shift happening, a rise in the frequency of all consciousness which is affecting everything in our known universe. In terms of our lifetimes, The Shift to higher consciousness is unfolding in a controlled, almost sedate, manner while, in the grander scheme of cosmic time, it is a transformation that is happening in the mere blink of an eye.

A cosmic doorway opened in late 2012 which changed everything. It was an opening up to a new reality of greater possibilities. While, before, the development of heart-centered consciousness had been the peak of spiritual development, suddenly, a whole new vista opened up before our inner vision.

It was a vision of a new frontier. A vision of soul-based consciousness, of awareness relating to the throat chakra, and therefore something beyond even a well-developed heart chakra.

As the new frontier appeared into view, at first, it seemed almost strange. Gone was the emotional warmth so familiar to those who have developed their heart consciousness. In its place was a realm of higher mental thought, a realm of what seemed, at first, to be an almost placid nothingness.

The soul realm which resonates to the throat chakra is one of deep knowingness, of delicate and all-pervasive peace, and a realm of powerful creativity.

The arrival of the early pioneers into the soul realm was a little like explorers landing on a new continent with no map and no idea what discoveries lay beyond their initial landing place.

Questions arose, at first with no easy answer. What is higher mental thought and how does it differ from regular intellectual thought?

What is powerful creativity and how does it differ from the idea that your thoughts create your reality?

How is it that at a soul level you seem to be able to find the answer to virtually anything, even though you knew nothing of the subject?

Why does the soul realm contain a clear sense of connection to all life and the universe? What does it even mean, to be able to be that well-connected? How are you supposed to operate in such a different environment to the one in which we grew up?

These are all questions which arose during the initial investigations into the new frontier of human development, the realm of soul or superconscious awareness. It can even be termed the final frontier because the point of reincarnation – the cycle of physical life, astral life, then soul life to plan yet another adventure into the physical realm – is to gain enough experience to no longer need the cycle of reincarnation.

Mastering the realm of soul consciousness while physically incarnate marks the end of the exercise, the end of a world of separation and drama, and a return to our true nature.

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The Joy of a Soul Connection

by Owen K Waters

When we tune into the soul level of consciousness, we find that there is much more to achieving personal happiness than anything related to external events. Real joy comes from within, from an unending source which is divine in origin.

The creative will of the Divine Father aspect of God merged in perfect union with the everlasting love of the Divine Mother aspect of God together fill the universe with total, unadulterated, blissful joy!

The greatest discovery of a person who regularly practices meditation is that, one day, the door will open to this unending supply of blissful joy. On that day, the spiritual seeker knows, beyond all shadow of any doubt, that God lies silently within all things and all consciousness. We are a part of that Divine Oneness, and it is through the joy of soul consciousness that we realize this connection.

Remember that your soul consciousness is your complete, inner consciousness. Your daily, conscious awareness, on the other hand, is focused on the outside world for a purpose. The true purpose is so that we can find our way back to that from which we came, even though we are spiritually “blindfolded,” so to speak. The game of life on Earth is played so that we can experience the rediscovery of that joyous connection to the oneness from which we originally came.

All the happiness in the world pales in comparison with the supreme joy of that inner connection. Soul-inspired joy is lasting happiness. It has no beginning and no end because it is always there, just as God is always there, within each and every one of us.

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From Heart to Soul: The Path to Liberation

by Owen K Waters

Freedom! The eternal cry of the soul.

But, what is the soul? And what does freedom entail?

People often equate heart and soul as the same thing while, in reality, they are distinct and different so it helps to make some definitions. After all, a journey to a new land goes well when it starts with a map and it can falter when no such guide is available.

In these days of The Shift, our physical bodies are being gradually risen in frequency. When the time is ripe, we will physically enter fourth-density existence, a higher realm where heart-centered consciousness is the basis of all thought.

In today’s third-density world, ambition for the self often takes precedence over the good of the many. In the emerging heart-centered consciousness, however, one’s effect on others is given every consideration and win-win situations are sought.

As the heart opens further, the door opens to spiritual awakening. Once spirituality enters the perspective, it becomes obvious that the primary objective of the human experience is that of spiritual growth. Even though, at a soul level, each person has a unique set of objectives for their life, the underlying primary purpose of all human life remains the same – that of spiritual growth.

While spiritual awakening occurs in the developed stage of heart-centered awareness, the very next step brings enormous enlightenment through an awakening of contact with the soul level of consciousness.

Your soul is based in the fifth-density, or throat chakra, level of consciousness. It is also present at all times in every other level of your consciousness, including day-to-day physical awareness, but people rarely turn within to pay it much attention during a busy day.

Within your soul are the memories of everyone you have ever been, of every experience you have ever had, and the plan you outlined for this life before it began. Life plans are continually managed at a soul level because they need adjustments to stay on track despite changing circumstances.

A life plan is a map of intended destiny, but it needs constant adaptation and the physical mind is helped through intuitive inspiration from the soul. The more in-touch you are with your inner being, the easier it becomes for you to stay on track with your own life plan.

As you encourage your own soul awareness, you become closer to mastering all that physical life has to offer and closer to completing your own cycle of reincarnation. When you rise above the need for further reincarnation, you move into the soul realms and operate from there with all the freedoms that come with such an unlimited existence.

As a soul, you are then able to move across space and time at will, as easily as the hands of a pianist running up and down a keyboard. You exist in a world of beauty, filled with endless hues of color and inspiring harmonic sounds. Your connection to the divine is open and this fills you with constant joy. Your soul family – hundreds of other souls that you love the most – can be in touch with you at any time you wish. There is no loneliness in such a connected and supporting world.

You learn the deeper mysteries of life without having to pursue any of the needs and duties that now take up so much of your time in the physical world.

The ultimate journey from the heart to the soul can start now with a determination to develop your own soul awareness while in your physical body and to take rapid strides toward the liberation that awaits us all.

It is your progress into higher consciousness while living in a physical body which counts more than anything in the grand scheme of things.

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