How Time Is Changing

by Owen K Waters

Part of The Shift to the New Reality involves a change in our experience of the passage of time. People often comment on how time seems to be passing much faster today than it did just 10 or 20 years ago. It’s not because we’re getting older; it’s because our experience of time is changing.

This is occurring because the frequency of human consciousness is rising, so the experience of the passage of time has accelerated. The speed of the orbit of the planets is still the same, the speed of light is still the same, and everything in the outside world is still the same, but our experience has changed.

Experiential time is the experience of time, as in “time flies” or “time drags.” It is subjective, as opposed to the objective time of the outside world.

Our internal experience of the passage of time can vary considerably. When a person is not happy in their work, for example, the time clock on the wall seems to take forever to turn and the end of the working day seems to take an eternity to arrive. On the other hand, when a person is joyful and excited about what they are doing, their consciousness is vibrating at a higher frequency and, for them, the experience of time flies at a fast rate.

As they say, “Time flies when you’re having fun.”

Energetically, the difference is that joy is expressed through higher, heart-centered consciousness while boredom takes one deep into the lower frequency of the solar plexus center of consciousness.

When you are bored, your perception of time runs slowly because your consciousness vibrates at a slower frequency. When you are filled with joy and engaged in favorite activities with people you love, your consciousness vibrates at a higher frequency and your perception of time runs more quickly.

The principle at work here is that the perception of experiential time varies with frequency of consciousness. Experiential time runs faster at higher frequencies.

Why the Difference Matters

The shift from Old Reality consciousness to New Reality, heart-centered consciousness includes a shift in our perception of time. Heart-centered consciousness brings with it an increasing degree of freedom from objective time. It makes life’s experiences more important to your consciousness than the passage of time. Life becomes a chain of experiences which seem to expand and contract the time that they take to occur. The objective time continuum is the same, but the perception of the experience is different.

The key to understanding this is that, because life in the objective world is a projection of the greater reality that exists within you, then a shift to higher consciousness brings you closer to the reality within. At that point, objective time loses some of its importance and the inner experience of time takes on more importance.

How Timing Will Change in the Future

As people’s frequency of awareness rises up through fourth-density consciousness, they will become more attuned to the synchronicity that is offered by an experiential approach to time. The more people become mentally attuned to others, the more they manifest synchronicity in their lives.

Eventually, when experiential time is given more attention than objective time, people will arrange to meet each other, not by making appointments in their calendars, but by both knowing when the time is right for such a meeting.

At work, the attuned person will know from their soul-fed intuition which task is most important for them to address right at that moment and this will lead to even more synchronicity with the minds of other, intuitively-driven people.

The Reason Intuition Works

The intuitive mind senses the reality of all situations in ways that the objective mind of the physical senses cannot. When a situation develops into fruition, in which it can best be addressed for most effect, the intuitive mind has that perfect sense of timing and can help all those involved in handling the situation.

In fourth-density, heart-centered consciousness, because more attention is placed upon the inner reality than the outer world of clockwork motion, life becomes more fluid and less rigid, based upon an intuitive sense of what action is right at any moment in time. Timing becomes everything, but in a way that the objective, physical mind cannot possibly comprehend.

Intuition feeds synchronicity, so the experience of time, with its expansions and contractions, takes on more importance than the fixed pace of the outer world’s objective time.

Higher consciousness adds more abilities to the ones we have already developed. Intuitive perception leading to perfect synchronicity is a perfect example of the growth that awaits us as we step into the New Reality.

For more insights into New Reality consciousness, see Owen K Waters’ book, Love, Light, Laughter: The New Spirituality.

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Nodal Points and The Train Station

by Dreama Vance

Although there are many in the world still functioning in an unconscious state of awareness, most of us “spiritual seekers” have, at some time in our life journey, awakened to the realization of One Source. We become cognizant of One Source of energy that animates life, that runs through all of existence, giving life, sustaining life, being Life itself.

I call this “becoming conscious.”

We become conscious of this energy and become conscious of the journey we are on in this life. This awakening period is a nodal point. Nodal points are significant events that occur, intersecting timelines and offering opportunities for branching into different trains of exploration.

Once we become conscious of our spiritual life, we begin to explore this realm. It is, in a very real sense, a time of falling in love. When in love, the world is made new. It is awash with sunlight, no matter the weather. Grouchy people, snarled traffic, all go unnoticed as we float in this happy state of new love. So it is as we begin our conscious exploration of spiritual life. Our eyes are starry as we experience the marvels of this new way of being. We stand in amazement as miracles roll out at our feet.

Just as new love changes, however, so does our spiritual journey. Although love remains, the path is not always smooth and easy. Bumps appear in the road. The observable world edges back into our reality. We run into road construction, have to take detours and may experience accidents and delays on our journey.

Somewhere in our journey, we reach the second nodal point. There are many different life experiences that can bring us to this point, but bring us it will. My sister used to say, “Until you can stand naked on the hill, you will not know yourself.” This is, indeed, the second nodal point. It is a time where everything we think we are, have, and hold dear is stripped away.

It is not necessarily a crisis of faith that brings us to this point. Indeed, it may even be our faith that leads us here. Nevertheless, it is a place and time where the external factors that we use to define ourselves are removed from us, either through our own choosing, or by other factors. However we arrive, we find ourselves standing utterly alone on that hill.

This is a metaphor, of course. It does not necessarily mean you will be alone. It means you will have to stand alone, stripped of the trappings we use like clothes. In this nakedness, only you will be able to know yourself, to know who you really are.

I was given wonderful wisdom during that time in my own life, which I pass along to you because it still, many years later, stands me in good stead:

“You can choose to focus your attention on what is behind you. You can worry about it, regret it, be angry over it, or sad about it. Or, you can focus your attention on the future. Infinite possibility stretches in front of you. You can look forward with anticipation and excitement over what is to come. It is entirely your choice.”

Hmm… look back and be miserable, or look forward with anticipation. I think I’ll choose the second option, looking forward. If you, too, choose to look forward, then this nodal point offers another period in time when we see with new vision. We see with new clarity. The world is again made new.

You can easily see that you are still on your spiritual journey. It is, however, as if you have taken a step up to another level of consciousness. The world looks different. You are different. In this next part of the journey love deepens. Our consciousness matures. Life, with its ups and downs, joys and heartaches, develops us. Through it all, it is almost as if we are driven to go deeper. That inner part of our heart cries out for deeper connection. The lotus of Truth begins to unfold our understanding. Once again we come to a nodal point.

We find ourselves again standing naked on the hill. This time, however, we stand in our power. We stand in stillness while the storm rages around us. We can look back and see the progress we have made. Indeed, we can see the spirals of our life and identify those nodes.

I am reminded of an analogy about The Shift that I heard in the mid 1990s. Someone described this period of our history as a train station. We would each have to choose the train we wanted to be on for our future. Would we choose a spiritual train? Or would we take a train remaining in the third dimension? Would factory farming and pharmaceutical drugs still reign supreme on your train of choice? How about boundaries and walls… TSA security lines and genetically modified food? Which train will you board? It is not just a political agenda.

As the trains leave from the station, they are all close together and we can choose to hop over to another one. But, as the trains go farther away from the station they branch away from each other and soon it is no longer possible to change trains. Eventually, you no longer even see the other trains.

I had forgotten this depiction, but we are now twenty years down the road. The train I am on seems to be taking me to a very different reality than what I knew and understood at the train station. The external world looks different to me. Structures such as governments that once appeared as foundations of integrity now seem like a mirage. I look outside the train window and it is as if I am in a foreign land. Who are these people in the news? Who writes these stories? Truth and decency seem to evaporate like mist outside of my window. Already I feel as if I no longer know this external world.

But the world on the spiritual train, this destination, the journey itself, is exciting! It is clean, and new, and bright. It is full of joy where living food and plant medicines nourish us with light. People know the truth of their being and recognize it in each other.

It is infinite possibility!

What train have you chosen? Choose the future you want now and hop on board!

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The Shift to a Higher Physical Realm

by Owen K Waters

The Shift to a higher physical realm is likely to occur within the physical lifetimes of most of us.

Those who are in the afterlife at the time of The Shift will also be risen to a higher plane of existence. There are many realms and sub-realms within the fourth-density existence of the afterlife.

Today, the realms of fourth density (or the “fourth dimension” as many people call it) are home to spirits in the afterlife. Other than a few ascended masters, there are no physical inhabitants in fourth density (4D). The big difference that will occur with The Shift is that the physical realm here in third density will be risen up into a realm of fourth density. Spirits in the afterlife will be in a realm above us and therefore much closer to us than they are today.

One problem in understanding The Shift is the common practice of getting the “dimensional” levels numbered incorrectly. People generally agree that we are in 3D, but seem to have an aversion to 4D and say instead that we will ascend from 3D straight into 5D. I’m not sure why they think that 4D should be avoided. Perhaps they equate it with the basic dream state and its occasional fear-driven nightmares.

Physical human existence is possible in both 3D and 4D, but not in 5D as that is a nonphysical mental realm. Therefore, we cannot ascend from 3D to 5D and physically function there.

Fourth density 4D is composed of twelve main sub-levels or realms. Currently, most spirits in the afterlife inhabit the third sub-level of 4D while the more evolved people inhabit the next one up – the fourth sub-level of 4D.

People in the afterlife inhabit etheric, quasi-physical bodies. To you and me, they are invisible ghosts. To each other, they are just as solid as you and I are to each other. It’s all relative.

On the day of The Shift, great energies will be released from within the Earth, raising the frequency of every atom of material on the planet. Those people in the popular realms of the afterlife will move up to higher sub-levels and we will move up into 4D to fill the vibrational vacuum they leave behind.

That means that fourth density – now the domain of spirits – will also become home to physical beings. The matter which makes up our bodies will vibrate at a higher rate than it currently does, making our bodies somewhat less dense than they are today.

In the new density after The Shift, healing will be so much easier and the aches and pains that can be so typical in 3D will melt away in the higher energy environment.

You have probably read or heard many ideas about how The Shift to a higher dimension will occur. Many of these ideas, upon reflection, can be seen to be unworkable, so it behooves us to figure out what we can actually expect.

For example, you may have heard about the Two Earths concept where people will be able to ascend to a New Earth and leave the Old Earth behind. The original Two Earths concept was highly symbolic. Personally, I like the idea, but, in its literal form, it just won’t work.

Think about it. What infrastructure would exist for you to move into right after you have ascended up to a brand-new version of Planet Earth? Being physical, you need food, shelter, and electricity would be a big help, too. Remember, while astral beings may be able to create anything they need out of etheric energy, physical beings are more solid and more limited, even when they move up into 4D.

Physical beings use physical matter. Spirit beings have more options as etheric energy – the substance of their spirit bodies and the objects around them – is a subtle energy while physical bodies are made of electric energy, which is far more dense.

So, we won’t be suddenly moving into a pristine New Earth with no food and shelter readily available for billions of newcomers. The truth is much simpler than a literal Two Earths idea.

The Earth we’re on will move up in frequency, taking everyone with it.

When the time comes for the physical Shift, people will find themselves in a different environment. How different?

Sensitive people will notice that the energy in the air is different. They will be surprised to find that auras are suddenly much easier to see, that there is a sensation of inner light within all physical objects, that the Sun is a slightly different color in a sky that seems filled with more light.

And look, even the toaster will glow on the outside as well as on the inside… all signs that something is very definitely different.

Meanwhile, people who are not in the least bit sensitive will still feel that things aren’t quite the same any more. Scientists will later discover with amazement that the speed of light has become faster than it was in the new, lighter-density environment.

It will be as if a cloud has lifted from the minds of anyone who wants to express their innate yearning for personal creativity. The arts will blossom in a mega renaissance while researchers and inventors will take steps by leaps and bounds to make the world a better place.

For lightworkers, it will be Prime Time. You’ll be calm while others are wild-eyed with concern. You’ll understand what’s going on while everyone else seems to be searching for answers and reassurances.

Owen K Waters is the author of the groundbreaking book on The Shift:
The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness (Updated Edition)

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Creating Inner Peace

by Owen K Waters

In the old tradition, the serious spiritual aspirant would ideally head for a cave and shut themselves inside until they reached some degree of enlightenment. Peace was a by-product of such isolation, partly because the aspirant was no longer in contact with the turmoil being constantly generated by a suffering humanity.

Today, that concept is being overturned for one more heart-centered. In The Shift to higher awareness, the idea of peace has expanded to include its full yin and yang aspects. The passive yin part is the mellow bliss of inner peace, while the active yang part actually spreads peace to those members of humanity who most desperately need its soothing balm.

Here is the powerful spiritual technique of what I term Kriya Shanti Yoga – the spiritual practice of creating peace. The concept is not new. It has been around since the 1950s when a Western Master of Yoga began teaching people the then-novel idea that they could actually heal the world.

Here, in its entirety, is the technique that will enable you to join with the new wave of Peace Creators…

First, go within. Reconnect with your spiritual source. Use your own meditation technique or the Infinite Being meditation. End your meditation session by spending time in gratitude for life, nature and the Infinite Being from which we have all materialized.

Let a sense of gratitude for everything in your life fill your heart.

Then, intend world peace and world enlightenment. Send this intention out into the world as love energy through the heart chakra, which is located just in front of your breastbone. Move that energy into the global mind atmosphere surrounding the Earth in this way…

On every in-breath, imagine white light from the Cosmos entering your crown chakra, which is above the head, and then traveling down your spine to the level of your heart. Then, let it travel forward into your heart chakra, just in front of your breastbone.

Now, see an energy of white light coming up from the Earth and entering the base of your spine to travel up your spine to the level of your heart, then forward, to merge with the cosmic energy in your heart chakra.

These energies of the Cosmos and the Earth will fuse together and cause an energetic reaction at the frequency of the heart chakra. This fusion forms a ball of energetic white light in the heart chakra, one which is conditioned by your intention for world peace and enlightenment.

Now, with every out-breath, send the power of this energetic reaction out into the world. Direct it as a beam of white light from your heart chakra out into the world.

Continue this in-breath, out-breath cycle for several minutes and you will not only help heal the world, you will change your entire day for the better.

The universe reflects who you are. When you practice healing the world, by automatic reflection, you bring healing to yourself and to all challenges you face.

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He Says Yoga Attracts Demons…

by Owen K Waters

I’ve never paid much attention to the threats that are sometimes aimed at people by traditional religion.

I’m sure I heard them all when I was an angelic-looking choirboy and my mom was the church organist. Then, again, neither of us – my mom or I – were especially sold upon the sermons of Reverend “Firebreather,” our local Anglican vicar.

I went along with being a choirboy right up until the day I became a teenager. Then, I quit. I’m sure Reverend Firebreather used to harp on about demons in his sermons but, as a budding mystic, I was always off into a world of my own during his sermons so they never really registered with me, and they certainly didn’t make me fearful.

So, imagine my surprise the other day when I play a YouTube video of a very convincing young man telling Christians about the evils of Yoga. Frankly, I was shocked. I had no idea that religious control freaks could be so ignorant and predatory in the same breath.

Here’s what he said. He said that the problem with Yoga, besides being from India and not from around here, was that it can encourage a rise in chi or life energy and that means… wait for it…

A rise in chi can lead to… Oh, no!!!

Demonic possession!!!

Well, naturally, I do disagree with the aforesaid gentleman.

If he had used his God-given sense of curiosity to explore life’s possibilities and advance his spirit instead of placing it in chains, he would have discovered that chi is universal life energy – something that, without which, he would become a blob of lifeless rotting flesh.

Let me guess, he’s only just gotten used to the idea of electricity being part of God’s universe. The idea that the next, more subtle energy in God’s universe exists for our survival is, for the moment, totally beyond him.

Instead of focusing upon his ignorance of scientific awareness, let’s look at his use of fear as a tool in the religious control freak’s arsenal.

The Truth About Demons

Demons. What are they really? Well, they’re not some scary animal-human combination, even if they may aspire to appear so for effect.

They are dead human beings, residents of the afterlife, people who are just like you and me (minus their physical bodies) except for their less-than-savory thought patterns.

And The Truth About Hell

Here’s how it works in the afterlife. The realms of the afterlife are highly stratified. When you die, you are attracted to the realm which best suits your mentality. Most people, by definition, go to the most popular realm. The slightly more enlightened people go to the next higher realm.

Active spiritual seekers have the run of several grades of realms above those. Sociopathic criminals, on the other hand, sink to the lowest realms of the afterlife. These are the so-called “hells.”

The hells have no smell of sulfur, no raging fires, and no demons running around ready to poke people with pointed sticks. What they do have is a population which shares a criminal mentality, preys on the weak wherever possible and, because of that, lives in what is effectively a cruel feudal system. And, just like in medieval times, they have no shortage of priests or churches.

People in the hells do not typically interfere with people here in the physical realm. Most of them have no idea how to even get back here to this world. Most of the others are so afraid to leave the protection of their local overlords that they wouldn’t dare go anywhere anyway. So, who could the demons be that are said to haunt the physical realm in which we live?

Earthbound Spirits

That’s simple. They are even sadder to behold than the sociopaths who ended up in the hells. They are those most pathetic of ghosts, earthbound spirits. When they died, they were so filled with fear that they refused to follow their natural instinct to move on into the afterlife. Now, as earthbound ghosts in a world of physical humans, no one sees them, no one listens to them, so it’s really hard for them to get anyone to be afraid of them.

But, they do have one advantage over physical beings. As etheric spirits, they are not constrained by that most inconvenient limitation of the physical brain; they are fully telepathic. They can sense every emotion that goes through the mind of a physical person. Now surely, they hope, there’s a way to make that work so that they can gain influence over people.

Fear is what they’re looking for. When people become fearful of the idea of demons, they sense exactly what those fearful people are feeling. They might even follow evangelists around, hoping to find an easy victim. If they get lucky, they’ll find one who’s a little more impressionable to mental images than most people.

Well, they try and try and try, but it’s not easy spending your time as an actor doing the demon thing. Most of the time they go toally unappreciated.

When they do find someone who can be scared, it gives them hope that there may be a purpose in their being alive in their spirit form after all. Even if nothing else has worked so far.

As a spiritual seeker, an earthbound spirit won’t normally bother you. They can’t stand your spiritual light because exposure to it could change them. However, if you are a ‘recovering from hellfire and brimstone religion’ person and find yourself thinking those old fearful thoughts, be sure to become aware of what is around you.

If you sense an invisible presence and an increasing sense of fear, sock ’em with every ounce of love and light you can muster! Ask Jesus to help them move into the light. They’ll probably run a mile away before you can blink, but you might get lucky and have some effect on them.

Then, relax into a nice yoga or meditation session!


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The Spiritual Age

by Owen K Waters

The Spiritual Age is not just another age to be documented in the pages of history books.

The Spiritual Age is a quantum leap in the evolution of humankind.

meditationladyThere are 12 distinct stages in the evolution of human consciousness. There is a lower tier of six material stages followed by a higher tier of six spiritual stages. Once a person shifts from the material tier into the spiritual tier of evolution, everything changes. The old rules no longer apply, and the ways of the new reality have to be understood and acted upon.

Imagine the radical change that a butterfly goes through in its transformation from an earthbound, limited chrysalis to the joyous freedom of a butterfly. Likewise, a radical transformation occurs when humans move into the spiritual stages of their evolution.

When you enter the realms of spiritual consciousness through the gateway of the heart, you begin to understand that love is more important than money, power, fame, or any of the other entrapments of material life.

Upon moving into the energy of unconditional love, it becomes clear that helping others is the key to success in life. Your viewpoint of life is expanded, just as the butterfly sees more from its position above the ground than it ever saw before while earthbound.

In the New Reality, success will be measured, not by money, but by the amount of joy in your life.

Once a person has gained an understanding of the expanded realm of the heart, they are free to move on to the next stages of spiritual consciousness. Inspiration starts to flow. Inner knowing comes to the fore. Intuition is your daily guide and helper as the wisdom of your soul comes forth to help you succeed at all your efforts in life.

With soul communion comes the blissful joy of spiritual consciousness. With that blissful joy comes inner peace and the lifting away of all the cares of the world. This is reality. This is the state that God always intended for you to discover so that you can live and love in the light of soul consciousness and become a fully-empowered spiritual being.

Your birthright is love, light, and the laughter that springs from spiritual joy.

The above was an extract from Owen K Waters’ new book, Love, Light, Laughter: The New Spirituality.

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A Powerful Awakening Exercise

by Owen K Waters

Over the last four Fridays, Dreama Vance has released four progressively powerful practices to everyone on our email list.

The most recent, entitled The Emerald Heart, unveils the mysteries of the heart chakra to those willing to practice this simple yet profound meditation.

As lightworkers, we are here to change the consensus reality.

Now, wouldn’t it be just wonderful if we could just shift into a parallel reality where the world is already filled with love and light. Yes!

But, the reality is that, before such a reality exists, we have to create it through our explorations of higher energies and the higher realms of consciousness. We have to provide the critical mass for such a heaven in earth to exist through our actions.

Let’s take action together now!

Let’s practice those chakra meditations. Let’s face it. What else do we have to do on a fine Sunday when the world is waiting for us to fulfill our missions as lightworkers?

Then, if you have not already done so, join us on the upcoming Higher Energies course because that is where those meditations progress into the real fireworks realm of higher spiritual awakening!


The Emerald Heart

by Dreama Vance

This week did you skip a couple of days in your practice?
If so (and here is the link to review them so far), you discovered:

1) it is easier when you practice every day and
2) how easy it is when you practice!

Who would have thought that we have “spiritual muscle” that develops just like your muscles develop when you play tennis or practice the piano? Your muscles retain memory. So, obviously, does your spirit!

Or, did you, on the other hand, race ahead to take a peek at the heart chakra? If so, then you probably noticed the second foundational element of existence that we will talk about today, which is Light.

All of existence is made of Light. Light and Expansion go hand in hand. You see and experience these foundational elements every time you meditate. You sense them at each chakra. Now that you know them with a name, it is easy to see them in your experience.

Today in our exercise we travel up the spine from the third chakra at the navel to the level of the heart, where we see the beautiful emerald green of the heart chakra.


By now you are familiar with how we explore the chakras. You clear your energy and move into your meditational space, where you become aware you are in a state of peace and tranquility. You become conscious of the present moment and the Abiding Presence. You become conscious that you reside in this Abiding Presence and this Presence resides in you. You are One.

Then we work individually with each chakra, one at a time. We focus and hold our attention on the center. We notice and observe our experience. We allow our experience. We don’t try to create something. We just observe our experience.

Notice the Light and how it radiates in each chakra. Notice how each chakra is luminous.

As we use our intention and allow the flow of energy to increase, notice you feel uplifted, literally raised up.

As we move into the energy of the heart chakra, we immediately feel that expanded state and immediately sense the light. We feel that magnetic quality of the emerald green heart center drawing us to this energy. Notice there is a feeling state with this chakra.

It is the center known for the feeling of love. I also find other words that describe this center. Peace radiates out from this center. Goodwill travels on the waves of expansion. There is a heart wisdom and understanding that opens in this center.

As we allow the flow of energy to increase in this center, we feel this opening wide sensation. We feel this embracing quality as our hearts open, as if we could embrace the entire world. Indeed, that loving quality is right there in the center of our being, right in the center of our heart.

Do join us on the Higher Energies course as we continue with the upper spiritual chakras in our meditations. You will find yourself more and more in alignment with less and less resistance. You will find more and more individual experience coming to you, as you gain ability to perceive more.

Right brain learning, which is what you have been doing with the chakra meditations, is experiential knowledge. Left brain learning is that logical, think-it-through, figure it all out, way of understanding. We are used to that way of learning and the course will have all of that included, also. Owen has an amazing ability to make the complex easy to understand, so I hope you join us!

Many blessings,


P.S. If you have animals in the house, don’t be surprised if they all come and pile on top of you in your meditation as you start including the heart chakra!


The Third Chakra

by Dreama Vance
December 29, 2017

Although we have only worked with the first two chakras so far, if you have been practicing every day, you are developing your skills.

If you need to catch up, go to The Spiritual Gifts and Spiritual Gifts – Part Two… it is REALLY worth it! After practicing those, you will experience these mind and spirit-expanding effects:

1) You can rapidly clear and purify your energy in thought, word, and deed in preparation for your inner work.

2) You can focus your attention and hold it steady.

3) You can experience a state of peace and tranquility as you move into the present moment.

4) You can recognize the Abiding Presence within and realize you are One with this Source energy.

5) You are learning to broaden your inner senses and to observe and notice your experience.

6) You have learned that this energy of existence responds immediately at the energetic level to your intention and focus, e.g. when you hold the intention to allow increased flow in the chakra, you immediately register this in your experience.

The structural design of existence carries three foundational elements. They are not separate, but we will look at them individually as that allows us to study and understand and experience them. The first foundational element we will look at today. Next week, we will discuss the second element and then we will discuss the third element on the upcoming course, Mastering Higher Energies. We are introducing this structure because you are experiencing it in your meditations. In fact, any time you turn your attention to the Abiding Presence, you experience these elements.

Let’s look at the first we will discuss, which is Expansion.

As you recognize the Presence at the start of your meditation, you feel that sense of spaciousness. When you focus on the base chakra, you experience this openness. As you allow the flow to increase, you experience expansion. When you move up to the second chakra, your experience and perception increases. You can perceive and see more. This is expansion.

Expansion is in every particle of existence. The innate nature of existence is expansive.

The energy of existence molds and shapes itself in response to our thoughts, feelings, and conscious and unconscious beliefs. So can this energy of existence “do” contraction? Absolutely! You feel this when fear, doubt, uncertainty present themselves in your experience. Our experience in life is reflecting those thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

However, the energy of existence cannot lose its very nature. Its very fabric is expansive. It will shape itself and mold itself to reveal what we are asking of it, whether consciously or not, but its underlying nature never changes.

As we consciously align with the innate nature of this energy, we move into flow. Through the practice of the chakra meditation we experience and get to know the original nature of this energy.

Any time you must make a decision, you can tune into your inner Self and “try on” the decision. You will immediately feel either expansion or contraction. Expansion brings you into alignment with your true nature, which is the energy of existence. If you feel contraction, then you are asking existence to play a role, which it willingly does! Our goal, however, is to live allowing our true nature and consequently the true nature of existence to express through and as ourselves.


As we move up the spine to the third chakra, you can notice the sense of spaciousness and openness as you work with each chakra and observe your experience.

The third chakra is along the spine at the level of the navel. It is appropriately called the solar plexus as it appears as a yellow ball just like the sun. This is our thought center and also the center of our personal power.

Follow your meditation techniques, clearing and moving into meditation, then working first with the base chakra, then moving to the second – the emotional center – then the solar plexus.

At each chakra focus your attention on the energy ball. Observe your experience. Feel the pulse of energy. Increase the flow with your intention. Observe and notice your experience. Feel how you are carried on waves of energy. Notice the expansion. Notice how the energy feels bigger. Notice how your thoughts become peaceful and free of stress at the solar plexus chakra.

Keep notes on your experiences.

The first three chakras are the physical expression of our human existence. You can easily see how when Spirit comes into the body as a baby, the energy is focused at the base chakra, where survival is key. The energy is “learning” to stay in physical form.

The second or emotional chakra, is the next step as the energy learns to connect with others. Once survival is mastered, the energy can move out to explore and interact with others. At the third level or chakra, also called willpower or ego, energy learns to control and manipulate its environment.

As we work with these three chakras and allow Spirit to express through them, you see how the body gains vitality, our emotions are calmed and balanced, and our thoughts are made easy and peaceful. These are some of the gifts of Spirit.

By next week, if you do your daily practice, you will be ready for the wonderful discoveries experienced at the heart chakra and the higher spiritual energies we will cover in the upcoming course, Mastering Higher Energies. I hope you join us on this course as we explore and expand our consciousness together!

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Spiritual Gifts – Part Two

by Dreama Vance
December 22, 2017

Since Part One of this article, you have been working the past several days with just the base chakra. By now you will be familiar with the concept of holding your attention steady. You can stay focused on the energy center.

Isn’t there a sports phrase, “Keep your eye on the ball”? You have learned to keep your attention on the red ball of energy at the base of the spine. At the same time you have allowed your inner senses to move outward, noticing and observing your experiences.

Did you notice how easy it was to open and expand your base chakra? You didn’t have to turn cartwheels or use a dowsing crystal to open your chakra. All you had to do was use your intention and allow it to happen. The energy of existence is immediately responsive.

When this flow increased, you were able to notice differences in your experiences. Yes? The color is deeper, brighter. You feel uplifted. The light is clearer. Whatever your experience is, you are getting familiar with observing and noticing with your inner senses and with holding your focus steady.


Bring these skills to the second chakra which is halfway between the base chakra and the waist. All of the chakras are in a vertical line. The first five major chakras are along the spine with the 6th and 7th chakras in alignment in the head. If you looked at a person from the side, the centers would be in a straight line. So the second chakra is right in the flat of the back between the base chakra and waist. It is a beautiful sunset orange glow.

It is our emotional center and is the energy that allows our connection with others.


As you do your prep work and exercise from the first lesson, after you work on the base chakra, move your attention up from the base chakra to the second chakra. Holding your attention on the orange glow, feel, sense, and observe the energy. Notice the quality of this chakra. It has a feeling state to it. Notice how it soothes and evens out your experience. Notice that you can perceive more and, therefore, see more at this level.

Now with your intention, allow the flow of energy to increase to its maximum level.

Again notice and observe your experience.

Jot down notes of your experience so you can see your progress as we continue up the chakras. Each day practice your work with the base chakra and then move up to the second chakra. This will only take a few extra minutes because you are already in your meditation.

We are laying the foundation for you to develop your skills at reading and sensing the different frequencies. Just practice for a short period everyday. Stay in a relaxed state as you notice and observe. Keep your focus steady but don’t strain. You want to be focused, but relaxed and alert. Ask the masters, your angels, your guides for assistance. It is always freely given.

Next week we will cover the third chakra and I will identify one of the structural foundations of existence which you are experiencing as you do these meditations. By then you will have a bit more experience observing in the meditations.

You see, the chakras transmit the flow of Universal energy into the physical body. Each center contains a partial set of frequencies that rise in vibration as we move up the body. Together they form the collective energy of Source so the body can access the full spectrum.

The most important thing that is happening in these meditations is you are experiencing the nature of existence itself. You can read this article and a thousand other articles but it is the actual experience — what you are sensing and observing and coming to know about existence and its nature through your experience of it that actually transforms our lives. This is why doing the exercise is so important.

I have been doing the entire chakra meditation with you every day and it is incredibly powerful and beautiful. As we move up into the higher chakras you will see and understand more, of course! Your skills will develop. I love what I am receiving through the meditations and you will, too.

Please do join us on the upcoming course. Our Mastering Higher Energies course is beginning soon. If you haven’t already registered for this groundbreaking course on higher energies, be sure to check out the details at:

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