Spiritual Gifts – Part Two

by Dreama Vance
December 22, 2017

Since Part One of this article, you have been working the past several days with just the base chakra. By now you will be familiar with the concept of holding your attention steady. You can stay focused on the energy center.

Isn’t there a sports phrase, “Keep your eye on the ball”? You have learned to keep your attention on the red ball of energy at the base of the spine. At the same time you have allowed your inner senses to move outward, noticing and observing your experiences.

Did you notice how easy it was to open and expand your base chakra? You didn’t have to turn cartwheels or use a dowsing crystal to open your chakra. All you had to do was use your intention and allow it to happen. The energy of existence is immediately responsive.

When this flow increased, you were able to notice differences in your experiences. Yes? The color is deeper, brighter. You feel uplifted. The light is clearer. Whatever your experience is, you are getting familiar with observing and noticing with your inner senses and with holding your focus steady.


Bring these skills to the second chakra which is halfway between the base chakra and the waist. All of the chakras are in a vertical line. The first five major chakras are along the spine with the 6th and 7th chakras in alignment in the head. If you looked at a person from the side, the centers would be in a straight line. So the second chakra is right in the flat of the back between the base chakra and waist. It is a beautiful sunset orange glow.

It is our emotional center and is the energy that allows our connection with others.


As you do your prep work and exercise from the first lesson, after you work on the base chakra, move your attention up from the base chakra to the second chakra. Holding your attention on the orange glow, feel, sense, and observe the energy. Notice the quality of this chakra. It has a feeling state to it. Notice how it soothes and evens out your experience. Notice that you can perceive more and, therefore, see more at this level.

Now with your intention, allow the flow of energy to increase to its maximum level.

Again notice and observe your experience.

Jot down notes of your experience so you can see your progress as we continue up the chakras. Each day practice your work with the base chakra and then move up to the second chakra. This will only take a few extra minutes because you are already in your meditation.

We are laying the foundation for you to develop your skills at reading and sensing the different frequencies. Just practice for a short period everyday. Stay in a relaxed state as you notice and observe. Keep your focus steady but don’t strain. You want to be focused, but relaxed and alert. Ask the masters, your angels, your guides for assistance. It is always freely given.

Next week we will cover the third chakra and I will identify one of the structural foundations of existence which you are experiencing as you do these meditations. By then you will have a bit more experience observing in the meditations.

You see, the chakras transmit the flow of Universal energy into the physical body. Each center contains a partial set of frequencies that rise in vibration as we move up the body. Together they form the collective energy of Source so the body can access the full spectrum.

The most important thing that is happening in these meditations is you are experiencing the nature of existence itself. You can read this article and a thousand other articles but it is the actual experience — what you are sensing and observing and coming to know about existence and its nature through your experience of it that actually transforms our lives. This is why doing the exercise is so important.

I have been doing the entire chakra meditation with you every day and it is incredibly powerful and beautiful. As we move up into the higher chakras you will see and understand more, of course! Your skills will develop. I love what I am receiving through the meditations and you will, too.

Please do join us on the upcoming course. Our Mastering Higher Energies course is beginning soon. If you haven’t already registered for this groundbreaking course on higher energies, be sure to check out the details at:


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