Category Archives: Spiritual

Spiritual Metaphysics Defined

by Owen Waters

While physics is the study of physical reality, metaphysics includes that which is beyond the physical, but not necessarily the spiritual. Spiritual metaphysics takes an entirely different orientation. Spiritual metaphysics sees an ultimate, metaphysical source of all creation as the basis of reality.

This one spiritual source is known by various terms, including The Absolute, Infinite Being, or The All That Is. The term Infinite Being encapsulates the idea of infinite consciousness, beyond which nothing else can exist.

Freedom of the Spirit

seagullsA spiritual revolution in human consciousness began in earnest in the 1960s. Prior to that, the psychologist Maslow estimated that only 2% of the population had achieved the spiritually aware stage of self-actualization.

The mid-1960s changed everything and the spiritual revolution began. Masses of people began the search for the higher values, such as unconditional love and spiritual wisdom. While the outward fads of the sixties came and went, the flame of spiritual yearning never went out. It quietly grew as people searched, reflected, and found their spiritual freedom.

Thirty years later, that progressive core group within society had blossomed from 2% to over 20%, and it keeps expanding each year. Most of these progressive thinkers are conscious spiritual seekers, with a sense of self that is a real, inner self rather than an outwardly-focused, ego type of self.

The global shift towards spiritual awareness is the most wonderful transformation in recorded history. This is where humanity gets to build, literally, Heaven on Earth.

Why the Creator Is Larger Than the Universe

starrynebulaIf nothing exists beyond the consciousness of Infinite Being, then the universe was formed within, not outside of, its consciousness. The spiritual source of all life, Infinite Being, is therefore greater than the universe which it created within itself.

The spiritual concept of God employs terms like omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient to express the idea of infinite consciousness. From this expansive point of view, God the Original Creator is greater than all manifestation and, yet, is aware of every part of that manifestation.

The Conscious Universe

AncientOfDaysWhile physics ponders how to cater for the ‘mysterious’ effects of consciousness in experiments, spiritual metaphysics sees beyond the mystery. Because all things are made of consciousness, then all things are actually conscious. All things are aware in their own way.

When you see the universe from this spiritual perspective, it is no longer a mystery why a pair of related atomic particles consciously communicate with each other. Two atomic particles can communicate with each other because they have their own consciousness. They may not have the self-awareness of human beings, but, when they meet, they remember each other and stay in communication. If one collides with an obstacle, then the other one feels it and responds accordingly.

Research in spiritual metaphysics does not take place in the laboratory. Instead, it’s an inside job. The primary research tool of spiritual metaphysics is meditation. The purpose of meditation in metaphysical research is to access expanded states of awareness. For example, in deep meditation, you can expand your awareness to the limits of space and observe the shape of the universe.

The Universe is a Giant Doughnut

Physicists agree that the universe may be torroidal-shaped, but they have no physical proof as yet. Moving beyond physics and into spiritual metaphysics, which is where all the fun stuff happens, you discover that this doughnut-shaped universe is actually a projection within the consciousness of its Creator. Space no longer exists beyond the outer envelope of the universe, only the consciousness that created that space.

Space is a Fabrication of Consciousness

Space is no more than a concept in consciousness. It isn’t really “out there.” Everything made from consciousness is “in here,” within you. Space is a projection within consciousness, manufactured for a specific effect. What appears to be “over there” is really just another one of an infinite number of viewpoints within the great “Here and Now.”

The universe was created as a living theater of expression and humanity opted for total immersion within the drama of this theater of life. We live in search of the truth about life, and yet we feel disconnected from its source. We focus upon a world that appears to be exterior to us. Our five senses keep our brains so busy that it takes determination to find the peace and wisdom which lies within. Enormous resources of information, guidance and support are available through our inner being. When we direct our attention within, we gain access to those resources.

The Mirror on the Stage of Life

Mariana by Waterhouse

Spiritual metaphysics sees the universe as a mirror. Who you are, and what you express in thought, feeling and action, causes the mirror of life to reflect that back to you.

If, for example, you like yourself, then other people will like you, often without even knowing why. So, if you want people to like you more, you need only discover and dissolve the inner blocks that are keeping you from an unconditional love and acceptance of yourself. When you love yourself more, in an unconditional manner, life will reflect your improved attitude towards yourself and other people will love you more.

The mirror of life is automatic. Once you change yourself, and not before, the reflection changes and your reality transforms to reflect the new you.

Unity With the Oneness Within

Your true, inner being is found in silence. Your inner being is who you are. It is your soul. Your inner being is your personal link to the universe and to its source, Infinite Being. It is in this silence that you come to realize that everything in the universe is one, that separation is actually an illusion. In the light of this inner, soul connection, you also find your sense of unconditional love for all of life and all of humanity.

*Owen Waters is the author of Spirituality Made Simple.

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Ten Principles for the New Awareness

by Owen K Waters

The New Reality brings with it a new and expanded vista of awareness. In order to operate successfully in the new environment, you need to apply the new principles which come with that expanded vision, with that greater vista of reality.

This empowers you to awaken to your expanded potential and to manifest it.

Metaphysics is a philosophy of being, a study of the underlying principles of existence. The holistic approach to metaphysics provides a philosophy based upon an integrated foundation of mind, body and spirit. This spirit-inclusive approach is essential in order to understand the wider vista of consciousness which the New Reality presents.

Without the spiritual component of metaphysical philosophy, the mysteries of life remain forever mysteries. Life did not evolve accidentally from a pool of prehistoric sludge; it was brought into being by the precise intention of the Creator. The key to understanding the grand design of life is, therefore, to seek to understand more about the workings of its designer.

If, for example, you had never seen a jet aircraft and, suddenly, one flew overhead, you might wonder if it was propelled by that loud noise that it makes. The real answer, however, can be better found in the designers’ office at the aircraft factory, and so it is with life. If you think about how the designer of the universe could have achieved something, then you will find answers much more quickly than if you wonder how such an ‘accident of evolution’ could have happened.

Why did the Creator create life as we know it? How did it go about that task? What are the underlying principles that we can learn from this? The greater vista of the New Reality enables us to clearly comprehend principles which, before, were mysteries.

Here are ten such principles which will help you appreciate the expanded vista of consciousness offered by the New Reality.

1. All is one.
Everything in Creation is an expression of Infinite Being. Infinite Being is the all-encompassing consciousness from which the universe was created. Everything in the universe is made of consciousness. We are all aspects of Infinite Being.

2. Transformation.
The world is experiencing a spiritual transformation of human consciousness. It may take many decades to complete, and, when it does, it will bring an end to global strife and suffering. This new era of civilization will be achieved by a widespread awareness of the underlying unity of all people. The world is changed when you bring about spiritual change within yourself. This occurs automatically as you constantly share who you are, and all that you have become, within the shared atmosphere of the global mind belt.

3. Purpose in life.
Just as each snowflake is unique, so is each person. Your primary purpose in life is to experience life from one individual, unique point of view. You are an expression of Infinite Being as it experiences itself from all possible viewpoints.

4. Reflectance.
Life reflects who you are – your beliefs, your thoughts and your feelings. This is the basic principle behind the teaching of karma and the fact that you reap what you sow by creating a pattern of thought that attracts like experience to itself. Reflectance is often delayed while your circumstances adjust to allow appropriate reflections to manifest.

5. Self-responsibility.
You create your own reality and take personal responsibility for it. Your life is a reflection of who you are and the experiences that you, as a soul, planned for this life.

6. Life after ‘death.’
From the point of view of your true, inner personality, passing away from the physical realm is like stepping out of a suit that you have worn for a while. The suit is not the real you. In your spirit body, you move into the spirit realm, which is a place of joy and healing. After meeting friends and relatives who have passed on before, you start work on resolving any issues which caused inner conflict in your physical life. You remember more about who you really are and experience a joyful reunion with the rest of your immediate and extended soul family.

7. Reincarnation.
Reincarnation exists to provide a variety of experience, so that life skills may be gained, and so that, while in a physical body, you can rediscover your spiritual source within.

8. Truth is everywhere.
The ultimate truth is to be found within, yet the study of a variety of sources of information helps you to reawaken and remember your inner truth.

9. Unconditional love.
Unconditional love and the acceptance of all life puts your awareness into a higher place, allowing understanding and compassion to develop. This love and acceptance of others is a recognition of the spiritual light within those people and is not dependent upon their outward behavior. Unconditional love also includes a general respect for the beliefs of others, regardless of how much they may, or may not, align with your own beliefs.

10. Inner connection and insight.
Inner connection with your spiritual source promotes spiritual transformation and the achievement of your true potential. Developing intuition, both in men and women, provides an essential insight into life’s experiences.

*Owen Waters is the author of Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom.

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Creating Inner Peace

by Owen K Waters

In the old tradition, the serious spiritual aspirant would ideally head for a cave and shut themselves inside until they reached some degree of enlightenment. Peace was a by-product of such isolation, partly because the aspirant was no longer in contact with the turmoil being constantly generated by a suffering humanity.

Today, that concept is being overturned for one more heart-centered. In The Shift to higher awareness, the idea of peace has expanded to include its full yin and yang aspects. The passive yin part is the mellow bliss of inner peace, while the active yang part actually spreads peace to those members of humanity who most desperately need its soothing balm.

Here is the powerful spiritual technique of what I term Kriya Shanti Yoga – the spiritual practice of creating peace. The concept is not new. It has been around since the 1950s when a Western Master of Yoga began teaching people the then-novel idea that they could actually heal the world.

Here, in its entirety, is the technique that will enable you to join with the new wave of Peace Creators…

First, go within. Reconnect with your spiritual source. Use your own meditation technique or the Infinite Being meditation. End your meditation session by spending time in gratitude for life, nature and the Infinite Being from which we have all materialized.

Let a sense of gratitude for everything in your life fill your heart.

Then, intend world peace and world enlightenment. Send this intention out into the world as love energy through the heart chakra, which is located just in front of your breastbone. Move that energy into the global mind atmosphere surrounding the Earth in this way…

On every in-breath, imagine white light from the Cosmos entering your crown chakra, which is above the head, and then traveling down your spine to the level of your heart. Then, let it travel forward into your heart chakra, just in front of your breastbone.

Now, see an energy of white light coming up from the Earth and entering the base of your spine to travel up your spine to the level of your heart, then forward, to merge with the cosmic energy in your heart chakra.

These energies of the Cosmos and the Earth will fuse together and cause an energetic reaction at the frequency of the heart chakra. This fusion forms a ball of energetic white light in the heart chakra, one which is conditioned by your intention for world peace and enlightenment.

Now, with every out-breath, send the power of this energetic reaction out into the world. Direct it as a beam of white light from your heart chakra out into the world.

Continue this in-breath, out-breath cycle for several minutes and you will not only help heal the world, you will change your entire day for the better.

The universe reflects who you are. When you practice healing the world, by automatic reflection, you bring healing to yourself and to all challenges you face.

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Your Last Breath

by Owen K Waters 

It was three in the morning when we heard her breathe her last breath.

My wife and I sat by her sister’s bed as she desperately gasped for air to keep her cancer-ridden body alive. Then, something quite wonderful happened but, first, let me explain a little more about what happens after a person takes their last breath. 

We all go through physical death eventually. Hopefully, your passing will be a seamless transition into the light and you’ll pass over leaving behind only a smile and no regrets. Although our survival instinct makes us avoid thoughts of death, as spiritual seekers we have a higher, more compelling motivation. We all want to know what happens beyond the veil of what used to be the unknown. 

“What happens in the afterlife?” 

In the last 40 years, promises of heaven (if you’re good) have been replaced by actual, documented “facts of death,” painstakingly gathered from endless research cases. Near-death experiences have been studied until there can be no doubt as to their veracity. Then, to gain even deeper knowledge of the afterlife, many research subjects have been given recall of their pre-life experiences using hypnotic regression to open up their subconscious memories. 

What we now know is this: After their last breath, a person will typically be filled with a feeling of peace and with freedom from pain, while feeling drawn to pass through an energetic tunnel into a higher world of much light and beauty. 

Subjects also report being personally guided by a being of light who helps them review their life’s experiences from a higher, soul-centric viewpoint without any sense of judgment being imposed on these experiences by themselves or others. 

This heart-centered, non-judgmental environment means that, while a person is still who they are as a personality, everything becomes lighter. The loads that they may have felt compelled to bear during their physical lives dissolve in the joy that comes easily in their new surroundings. 

Are there heavens in the afterlife? Yes, there are many realms of existence, some of them being quite ecstatic compared to the lower frequency levels. The afterlife is structured differently to the physical world. While everyone in this world can, in theory, travel anywhere in the world, the afterlife consists of many realms of existence, each one effectively being a world unto itself. 

A person naturally gravitates to the realm best suited to their personal frequency of consciousness and then lives there among like-minded people. Spiritual seekers, predictably, seek the higher realms. People content with an average type of existence live in communities filled with people of like mind. It follows that those whose motivations are less than amiable will find themselves in a realm filled with people who are like themselves in that respect. Basically, people find their own level by gravitating toward their natural realm. 

Consciousness has a more observable influence on the environment in the afterlife because spirit matter is more subtle than physical matter. Spirit bodies are of a much lighter substance, which is why everyone in the spirit realms is able to levitate and travel through the air simply by exerting mental will. 

A common misconception is to think of spirit bodies as non-physical. Spirit bodies are quite solid to each other, even if they seem tenuous from our dense-physical viewpoint. A better term for matter in the spirit realms would be “quasi-physical.” 

When a person’s physical body dies, they take some time to adapt to life in the afterlife. Some people complete the orientation training faster than others. Those who find their passing to be a blessed release from a body that was wracked with pain are sometimes overwhelmed with a sudden sense of elation at their new-found freedom. 

Such was the case with my sister-in-law. After breathing her last breath in the silence of the night, the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed and her spirit filled the air with an intense feeling of joyful celebration. 

Finally… she was FREE and she was SO incredibly happy! 

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