Author Archives: Dreama

The Jewel of Joy

by Dreama Vance

When the information was given to me about how to discover our individual spiritual missions, I felt as if I had been given the Philosopher’s Stone.

How many have worried in angst over their purpose? How many courses can you take to discover your purpose in life? How about discovering your Soul purpose? That discovery sounds even more important and critical.

It is pretty easy to figure out the big purpose in life. After all, saints, sages, and spiritual masters have been teaching the information for eons. We are here for our own spiritual evolution and to assist others on the planet. We are here to awaken from the deep sleep of forgetfulness. This awakening is really a remembering of who we are. We are to develop our skills at remaining conscious and focused on the Source within us. We are to learn and move into higher states of consciousness. This is part of all humanity’s evolution.

It brings glad tidings to the heart when we finally “get it” and begin to consciously work on our own spiritual growth. In doing our own work, we add to the light for the planet.

When I was given the information about individual spiritual missions and how to discover them, I was very excited because I knew it would help so many people move into action. In case you haven’t read my article on Joy (Joy to the World), you will find your own spiritual mission through your joy.

You will discover your individual mission through what brings you incredible joy and what has probably been a thread of great interest from early years in your life. You see, you are important on this planet. You are here to evolve not only in the grand scheme of things, but to give and share your special reason for being here now.

The fact that your individual mission (and there may be more than one) comes from what brings you joy and lights you up inside of your being is so simple and easy to understand once you figure it out! Here is what happens and how it works.

Joy is a state of being that blossoms like a flower within the structural foundation of existence. As we are this energy of existence, this joy is just waiting to be expressed, to bloom within the nature of our being. When you discover your own unique mission through what brings you joy, you can then begin to give this to the world.

This is God in Action!

Do you see how it works? By expressing this innate quality of Joy, we allow the fundamental structures of existence to express itself.

We open flow!

By doing this action, we open the floodgates for the other qualities of existence to come more fully into conscious expression. It is a beautifully designed plan. Joy expresses through you and moves the energy of Source out into Action.

Of course you are here for a reason. You are here with your own very special mission: to bring that hidden jewel of joy out to give to the world, to share with the world. When you do this, the world receives joy. Your light shines and the world receives light. Your love moves into action. Beauty is made manifest and the world receives. The world receives and awakens. Do you see now how it works?

The time is NOW. Don’t delay. Discover your unique jewel of joy today. Figure out a way to share with others and begin. Begin Now. You surely must feel the push/pull of higher frequencies and the need to move into ACTION NOW.

You were born for this time NOW.

Share your gift. Share your gift.

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Joy to the World

by Dreama Vance

How much joy can you contain? Do you think you can hold so much joy that you reach the point of bursting open? Would you then be like a supernova? NASA may not agree, but I like to think of stars bursting into a supernova because of added light, but what if they burst from joy and all of that light is emitted? Can you see yourself this way?

From where does this kind of joy materialize? How can you find it? Is it something given only to a few? Are there answers to these questions? Are we designed to spend our lives searching for this kind of joy? Do most people never find it? Is it even something we want, or is it best just to settle for the status quo?

What if everyone had this ecstasy and lived their life in this state of joy? What would the world be like? What would you be like and where would you go from there? What comes after joy?

Did you know you are birthed into creation each moment? I know, it is almost impossible for us to wrap our brains around that concept, but it is true. We come from the eternal Now… only Now. Since this is true (no matter how difficult it is to understand) it makes you wonder why we are lugging around all the baggage of the past that we carry with us. Why do we carry all the fears and worries of the future with us? Just thinking about setting all of those bags down makes you feel lighter already, doesn’t it?

Do you think joy comes from living in the present moment? Well, maybe. Although I think it is more likely the first attribute you will find by residing in the present moment is peace.

I have another answer for joy. Joy comes from the Spirit. It is wrapped in love and gifted to you when you awaken, not to who you are (Surprise!) but to why you are here.

Now most of us think we are here to grow spiritually, to remember our connection to Source, to raise our vibration, to become Enlightened, and so on and so on. All of that is true. But I have to tell you, I have seen a lot of unhappy people doing this. (Shh, don’t tell.)

Okay, before I say this, I just want you to know I can hear you groaning when you read this next part, so please persevere. It gets better, I promise.

We each have a spiritual mission to perform (maybe more than one during our lifetime). Our spiritual mission is our gift to the world.

It is true some people come into the world “gifted”. There are artists, musicians, mathematicians, child prodigies. Their gift is visible at an early age.

Then there are the rest of us who grow up, get a job and wander through life wondering, “What is my purpose?” You actually are here to provide a service, not just to “become enlightened”.

The secret to discovering your spiritual mission, if you have not found it yet, is found in the paradox. When you discover your spiritual mission, you will discover the gift of joy. Paradoxically, what brings you joy, what your passion is, what you spend your free time doing, what you love to do, IS your spiritual mission. It has been a thread running through your life. Look and find it.

It is so simple and so easy. It isn’t complicated, so don’t make it so. It really is right under your nose. Perhaps you have always loved to build things and always have a project under construction at home. Maybe you love to make up stories for little kids. Maybe you love to be in the kitchen making delicious food. These are gifts. If they light you up and bring you joy, they are your spiritual mission! They don’t have to be earth-shattering. They do have to bring you joy. When you discover what it is, you will be filled with joy. You will laugh and say, “But I have always loved doing that!”

Do you know, there are actually people who love to clean? What a gift! Some people actually like to organize things and are good at it. Whatever your spiritual mission is, you will already be good at it, because it is a part of you. It depicts your interests and consequently the skills you have developed over time.

When you find your spiritual mission, find a way to bundle it so that you can give it to the world. Start by giving to neighbors and local communities. Watch it grow. Begin to teach others how to do what you do. There are myriad ways to share your gift.

Once you discover your spiritual mission, make it a focus in your life. Begin to share and be of service to the world. When you do this, you allow Spirit to move out through you into the world and your joy will be boundless.

At the start of the article I asked, “What comes after joy?” All of the gifts of Spirit will begin revealing themselves when you begin giving in joy and fulfilling your mission. It will be like you opened the floodgates for Spirit to pour forth into the world.

Give your gift to the world. The world is waiting for you to become a supernova!

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The Emerald Heart

by Dreama Vance

This week did you skip a couple of days in your practice?
If so (and here is the link to review them so far), you discovered:

1) it is easier when you practice every day and
2) how easy it is when you practice!

Who would have thought that we have “spiritual muscle” that develops just like your muscles develop when you play tennis or practice the piano? Your muscles retain memory. So, obviously, does your spirit!

Or, did you, on the other hand, race ahead to take a peek at the heart chakra? If so, then you probably noticed the second foundational element of existence that we will talk about today, which is Light.

All of existence is made of Light. Light and Expansion go hand in hand. You see and experience these foundational elements every time you meditate. You sense them at each chakra. Now that you know them with a name, it is easy to see them in your experience.

Today in our exercise we travel up the spine from the third chakra at the navel to the level of the heart, where we see the beautiful emerald green of the heart chakra.


By now you are familiar with how we explore the chakras. You clear your energy and move into your meditational space, where you become aware you are in a state of peace and tranquility. You become conscious of the present moment and the Abiding Presence. You become conscious that you reside in this Abiding Presence and this Presence resides in you. You are One.

Then we work individually with each chakra, one at a time. We focus and hold our attention on the center. We notice and observe our experience. We allow our experience. We don’t try to create something. We just observe our experience.

Notice the Light and how it radiates in each chakra. Notice how each chakra is luminous.

As we use our intention and allow the flow of energy to increase, notice you feel uplifted, literally raised up.

As we move into the energy of the heart chakra, we immediately feel that expanded state and immediately sense the light. We feel that magnetic quality of the emerald green heart center drawing us to this energy. Notice there is a feeling state with this chakra.

It is the center known for the feeling of love. I also find other words that describe this center. Peace radiates out from this center. Goodwill travels on the waves of expansion. There is a heart wisdom and understanding that opens in this center.

As we allow the flow of energy to increase in this center, we feel this opening wide sensation. We feel this embracing quality as our hearts open, as if we could embrace the entire world. Indeed, that loving quality is right there in the center of our being, right in the center of our heart.

Do join us on the Higher Energies course as we continue with the upper spiritual chakras in our meditations. You will find yourself more and more in alignment with less and less resistance. You will find more and more individual experience coming to you, as you gain ability to perceive more.

Right brain learning, which is what you have been doing with the chakra meditations, is experiential knowledge. Left brain learning is that logical, think-it-through, figure it all out, way of understanding. We are used to that way of learning and the course will have all of that included, also. Owen has an amazing ability to make the complex easy to understand, so I hope you join us!

Many blessings,


P.S. If you have animals in the house, don’t be surprised if they all come and pile on top of you in your meditation as you start including the heart chakra!


The Third Chakra

by Dreama Vance
December 29, 2017

Although we have only worked with the first two chakras so far, if you have been practicing every day, you are developing your skills.

If you need to catch up, go to The Spiritual Gifts and Spiritual Gifts – Part Two… it is REALLY worth it! After practicing those, you will experience these mind and spirit-expanding effects:

1) You can rapidly clear and purify your energy in thought, word, and deed in preparation for your inner work.

2) You can focus your attention and hold it steady.

3) You can experience a state of peace and tranquility as you move into the present moment.

4) You can recognize the Abiding Presence within and realize you are One with this Source energy.

5) You are learning to broaden your inner senses and to observe and notice your experience.

6) You have learned that this energy of existence responds immediately at the energetic level to your intention and focus, e.g. when you hold the intention to allow increased flow in the chakra, you immediately register this in your experience.

The structural design of existence carries three foundational elements. They are not separate, but we will look at them individually as that allows us to study and understand and experience them. The first foundational element we will look at today. Next week, we will discuss the second element and then we will discuss the third element on the upcoming course, Mastering Higher Energies. We are introducing this structure because you are experiencing it in your meditations. In fact, any time you turn your attention to the Abiding Presence, you experience these elements.

Let’s look at the first we will discuss, which is Expansion.

As you recognize the Presence at the start of your meditation, you feel that sense of spaciousness. When you focus on the base chakra, you experience this openness. As you allow the flow to increase, you experience expansion. When you move up to the second chakra, your experience and perception increases. You can perceive and see more. This is expansion.

Expansion is in every particle of existence. The innate nature of existence is expansive.

The energy of existence molds and shapes itself in response to our thoughts, feelings, and conscious and unconscious beliefs. So can this energy of existence “do” contraction? Absolutely! You feel this when fear, doubt, uncertainty present themselves in your experience. Our experience in life is reflecting those thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

However, the energy of existence cannot lose its very nature. Its very fabric is expansive. It will shape itself and mold itself to reveal what we are asking of it, whether consciously or not, but its underlying nature never changes.

As we consciously align with the innate nature of this energy, we move into flow. Through the practice of the chakra meditation we experience and get to know the original nature of this energy.

Any time you must make a decision, you can tune into your inner Self and “try on” the decision. You will immediately feel either expansion or contraction. Expansion brings you into alignment with your true nature, which is the energy of existence. If you feel contraction, then you are asking existence to play a role, which it willingly does! Our goal, however, is to live allowing our true nature and consequently the true nature of existence to express through and as ourselves.


As we move up the spine to the third chakra, you can notice the sense of spaciousness and openness as you work with each chakra and observe your experience.

The third chakra is along the spine at the level of the navel. It is appropriately called the solar plexus as it appears as a yellow ball just like the sun. This is our thought center and also the center of our personal power.

Follow your meditation techniques, clearing and moving into meditation, then working first with the base chakra, then moving to the second – the emotional center – then the solar plexus.

At each chakra focus your attention on the energy ball. Observe your experience. Feel the pulse of energy. Increase the flow with your intention. Observe and notice your experience. Feel how you are carried on waves of energy. Notice the expansion. Notice how the energy feels bigger. Notice how your thoughts become peaceful and free of stress at the solar plexus chakra.

Keep notes on your experiences.

The first three chakras are the physical expression of our human existence. You can easily see how when Spirit comes into the body as a baby, the energy is focused at the base chakra, where survival is key. The energy is “learning” to stay in physical form.

The second or emotional chakra, is the next step as the energy learns to connect with others. Once survival is mastered, the energy can move out to explore and interact with others. At the third level or chakra, also called willpower or ego, energy learns to control and manipulate its environment.

As we work with these three chakras and allow Spirit to express through them, you see how the body gains vitality, our emotions are calmed and balanced, and our thoughts are made easy and peaceful. These are some of the gifts of Spirit.

By next week, if you do your daily practice, you will be ready for the wonderful discoveries experienced at the heart chakra and the higher spiritual energies we will cover in the upcoming course, Mastering Higher Energies. I hope you join us on this course as we explore and expand our consciousness together!

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Spiritual Gifts – Part Two

by Dreama Vance
December 22, 2017

Since Part One of this article, you have been working the past several days with just the base chakra. By now you will be familiar with the concept of holding your attention steady. You can stay focused on the energy center.

Isn’t there a sports phrase, “Keep your eye on the ball”? You have learned to keep your attention on the red ball of energy at the base of the spine. At the same time you have allowed your inner senses to move outward, noticing and observing your experiences.

Did you notice how easy it was to open and expand your base chakra? You didn’t have to turn cartwheels or use a dowsing crystal to open your chakra. All you had to do was use your intention and allow it to happen. The energy of existence is immediately responsive.

When this flow increased, you were able to notice differences in your experiences. Yes? The color is deeper, brighter. You feel uplifted. The light is clearer. Whatever your experience is, you are getting familiar with observing and noticing with your inner senses and with holding your focus steady.


Bring these skills to the second chakra which is halfway between the base chakra and the waist. All of the chakras are in a vertical line. The first five major chakras are along the spine with the 6th and 7th chakras in alignment in the head. If you looked at a person from the side, the centers would be in a straight line. So the second chakra is right in the flat of the back between the base chakra and waist. It is a beautiful sunset orange glow.

It is our emotional center and is the energy that allows our connection with others.


As you do your prep work and exercise from the first lesson, after you work on the base chakra, move your attention up from the base chakra to the second chakra. Holding your attention on the orange glow, feel, sense, and observe the energy. Notice the quality of this chakra. It has a feeling state to it. Notice how it soothes and evens out your experience. Notice that you can perceive more and, therefore, see more at this level.

Now with your intention, allow the flow of energy to increase to its maximum level.

Again notice and observe your experience.

Jot down notes of your experience so you can see your progress as we continue up the chakras. Each day practice your work with the base chakra and then move up to the second chakra. This will only take a few extra minutes because you are already in your meditation.

We are laying the foundation for you to develop your skills at reading and sensing the different frequencies. Just practice for a short period everyday. Stay in a relaxed state as you notice and observe. Keep your focus steady but don’t strain. You want to be focused, but relaxed and alert. Ask the masters, your angels, your guides for assistance. It is always freely given.

Next week we will cover the third chakra and I will identify one of the structural foundations of existence which you are experiencing as you do these meditations. By then you will have a bit more experience observing in the meditations.

You see, the chakras transmit the flow of Universal energy into the physical body. Each center contains a partial set of frequencies that rise in vibration as we move up the body. Together they form the collective energy of Source so the body can access the full spectrum.

The most important thing that is happening in these meditations is you are experiencing the nature of existence itself. You can read this article and a thousand other articles but it is the actual experience — what you are sensing and observing and coming to know about existence and its nature through your experience of it that actually transforms our lives. This is why doing the exercise is so important.

I have been doing the entire chakra meditation with you every day and it is incredibly powerful and beautiful. As we move up into the higher chakras you will see and understand more, of course! Your skills will develop. I love what I am receiving through the meditations and you will, too.

Please do join us on the upcoming course. Our Mastering Higher Energies course is beginning soon. If you haven’t already registered for this groundbreaking course on higher energies, be sure to check out the details at:

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The Spiritual Gifts

by Dreama Vance
December 10, 2017

Did you know that one of the best spiritual practices you can do is to “work” with your energy centers on a daily basis?

I am sure you are familiar with the seven major energy centers of the body, also called chakras. There are other smaller centers around the body and larger centers outside of the body. For our purposes we are going to focus on the seven major ones.

Many of you are advanced in your studies and you may think this is too elementary for you. I think, however, that when you begin to practice this teaching, you will be amazed at what you experience and, therefore, learn.

Today and on the coming three Fridays you will get a lesson from me. It is my gift to you and will cover the first four major chakras and how you work with them. We will cover the higher chakras in our upcoming course on Higher Energies.

First, let me reassure you that “working with the chakras” is not difficult and will only take five to ten minutes of your time. This is why we start with one chakra at a time. You will do this work in meditation when you are connected to Spirit and in a calm and receptive space.

One of the things that will happen when you begin to work with the chakras is you will develop your abilities to sense and feel the energies. This is soooo important. Each chakra has a different energy range, a different vibrational set of frequencies.

With practice, you will be able to discern these and experience the differences between them. This becomes very advantageous when you reach the spiritual levels of frequency, as they are very rapid. It is our goal to be able to navigate these higher frequencies with ease and to maintain our conscious focus at these higher vibrations and, indeed, these higher states of consciousness.


The seven major chakras are actually transmitters of energy. They each contain a gift from Spirit. You know that you are Spirit in manifested form. Accessing your vibrational frequencies at the different chakra levels allows you to access the different qualities, and attributes of Spirit. These actually are gifts and are given to us. We do not have to “earn” them. They are freely given.


Allow 5 or 10 minutes for total concentration in meditation. If you need to set a timer, do, so you can be totally relaxed and centered on the exercise. By being totally focused you will be able to sense the very subtle energies. We want to experience these as much as we can. If you have a favorite way to move into a meditational state, use your own method.

It is always a good idea to start any meditation with a clearing exercise. Here is one I like to use. It clears the physical body and consequently, the other subtle bodies as well.

Visualize the Sun above your head and to your right. Then visualize the Moon above your head on the left. The Sun sends a ray of light to the Moon. Then they both send down beams of light that come together into one ray that is sent down into the top of your head. In other words, those three lines of light form a triangle over your head. Bring that light down into your head, down into your body and feel it roll through you like a wave, cleansing away all stress and tension, all mental anxiety and worry. Let it roll all the way down to your toes, into the Earth. The Earth will take that energy and mulch it into clean, renewable energy for the Universe.


Use whatever technique works for you to move into meditation. If you don’t have one, simply follow your breath as you sit quietly, after the clearing described above, and notice a sense of peace and tranquility. Move into the present moment and notice that there is a Presence inside of you, breathing you, beating your heart.

Now move your consciousness to the base chakra, which is at the bottom of the spine. The energy centers are about the size of a lime, although they do expand and contract. The rainbow colors are the most widely used system for the chakras and that is what we will use.

Keep your attention focused on the base chakra. You can visualize the beautiful rosy red color of this energy ball. Notice what you are feeling. Observe. Move out with your inner senses and become aware of this energy. You may feel it pulsing. It has a vitality to it. It is the gateway of life energy for the physical body.

Using just your intention, allow the maximum amount of energy to enter this chakra. Keep your focus and attention on that energy center at the base of the spine. Notice as the energy expands and opens.

You may actually feel the energy boost in the physical body. Just observe.

Notice. Stay focused.

You may want to jot down your observations. This way you can see how you develop your abilities to experience the energy centers.

Practice this short exercise every day. By Friday you will be proficient at beginning to sense energy in the centers. This will develop and your ability will expand as we proceed with the next step.

Many blessings to you!

Announcement: Our Mastering Higher Energies course is beginning soon. If you haven’t already registered for this groundbreaking course on higher energies, be sure to check out the full details at:

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The Shift: The Time Is Now

by Dreama Vance

Listen. Do you hear it? It is like the flutter of tiny wings in your heart. It is calling to you.

It calls so softly. Is it more a feeling? A rhythm that pulls you, do you hear it? You hear it in your soul, the inner Self. It is who you really are. You cannot deny it, because it is you. When you hear it, that soft flutter, you respond.

Your heart yields to the call. It is the clarion call. You have heard it before and you have responded. Long before your first incarnation on this beautiful planet, you heard the call. Love poured forth from you. “Yes,” you said. “Yes.”

Through many lifetimes, hardships and challenges in the valley of forgetfulness, we have continued to endure and respond with “Yes.”

Now is the time. You can hear the call again. You remember. You awaken. “Oh, yes!”, you cry as you embrace that remembered moment. You remember the love that flooded your being. You remember the joy of answering the call to be of service. “Yes,” you said, “a thousand times, yes!”

Now is the time you can hear the call again. “Rise up! Now is the time!” For so long we have waited. But now we hear the clarion call, awakening us to ACTION. We are being called so clearly, so insistently, to action. NOW IS OUR TIME. TAKE ACTION NOW. Embrace freedom.

Let Life flow through you. Awaken to God within you. See God all around you. Embrace freedom as you change your life and show others how to change theirs. Use your gifts. Fulfill your mission. You are here for a reason. You have a spiritual reason for being here now. It is time. NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW IS OUR TIME.

GET MOVING. Begin your work. You may feel you have been doing your work and fulfilling your mission but NOW IS THE TIME.

Re-assess, re-evaluate. The energy of change is pounding at the door. This is a tidal wave of energy that will uplift us if we listen. It will empower us if we let it. It will embrace us and change us and freedom will be sounded with this clarion call.

Dear ones, Now is The Time! Wake up from your daily lives. Remember why you are here! You are here for this moment in history. Don’t sleep through it! This is a call to action. Turn off the TV and any other distractions.

Listen and follow the rhythm of your heart. Get moving.

The time is now.

Recommended further reading – The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness (Updated Edition, November 2016) by Owen Waters.

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