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Seven Facets of Spiritual Awareness

by Owen K Waters

Life can be a treadmill of mundane details or it can be an inspiring adventure of uplifting experiences. Through the regular, daily practice of meditation, you can start each day by raising your frequency of consciousness above the mundane, work-a-day level into the spiritual realms of consciousness.

ThreeCandlesHere are seven facets of spiritual awareness which unfold as a result of daily meditation. Any technique will work. The Ultimate Meditation technique is particularly effective.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number One – Flow

A sense of flow attracts synchronicity into your life’s events. This almost magical sense enables you to always be in the appropriate place at the appropriate time in order to gain the most out of the experiences that the complete you, your inner self, planned for this life.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Two – Unconditional Love

You develop a sense of unconditional love for the inner, spiritual essence of all the people that you connect with in your life. Even the difficult people, as they are often holding up a mirror for you to understand an aspect of past habits which, deep down, you would like to examine at this time.

Your sense of unconditional love naturally includes full acceptance of yourself, just as you are, with the personality that you adopted for this lifetime of experience. You can catch those old thought patterns of self-criticism and remember that you live in a universe which is naturally full of love and unconditional acceptance.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Three – Abundance

Accept abundance as the natural flow of the universe. Forget those opinions about there being something wrong with money. It’s a form of energy and the universe is filled with energy. Life gets a lot more convenient when you are abundant. It gets really inconvenient when you are not.

When you follow your innermost joy, you find yourself doing work that you love and find absorbing. When you find your work absorbing, you become very good at it, without feeling that it took a lot of effort to become that highly skilled. When you are good at your work, employers and customers alike hear about you by word-of-mouth recommendation and they seek you out. The more in-demand your services become, the more they are worth. Following your inner joy is the secret to finding and developing an occupation which brings natural abundance.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Four – Intuitive Insight

Both men and women find that, with regular spiritual practices, their sense of intuition develops smoothly and naturally. Soon, your insights grow to become very valuable in dealing with the challenges of life.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Five – Creativity

A growing sense of creativity becomes apparent when spiritual practices become your daily routine. You discover new ways to achieve results because you see situations from a broader perspective.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Six – Wisdom

Advances in spiritual wisdom and understanding come with deep meditation. In meditation, it is important to let distracting, surface thoughts dissipate so that deeper realizations may surface at the time that they are needed.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Seven –
Raising World Consciousness

When you detach from worldly concerns and express a higher frequency of consciousness, the conflicts of the lower frequencies of consciousness become automatically healed. When you let go of any form of conflict within yourself, you are able to rise to a higher frequency of consciousness in a state of harmony and balance.

Higher frequencies of consciousness hold a higher power. Not just a slightly higher power. The power ratio of spiritual consciousness to conflict-oriented consciousness is many thousands to one. If you allow balance to enter your life through a spiritual state of consciousness, it will manifest immediately and very powerfully in your daily life. You will also be helping to raise the global consciousness in a very powerful and constructive manner.

*Owen Waters is the author of Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom.

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Your Inner Compass

by Owen K Waters

compassThe Nature of Change

One constant that you can count on in life is change.

Change exists because life is in motion, and motion is one of the three aspects of the original consciousness that underlies all of Creation. Everything in the universe springs from two complementary aspects of consciousness – thought and feeling – set into motion.

The existence of motion as one of the fundamental components of Creation guarantees that change is continuous. The point of life is to experience infinite variations of expression of the one underlying consciousness, Infinite Being.

Changes in Your Life

Major changes in life are rarely easy, but our very reason for being is to work through changes and experiences in life.

Today, changes are being accelerated by our being in the global transformation called The Shift. Many would say that today’s changes are intense to the point of becoming chaotic. In physics, chaos is a temporary phase between one natural state of harmony and its transformation into a higher form. The transition phase between the two states becomes very choppy until the higher form is reached.

Today, we are moving through the storm before the calm.

We are so beset by change that it can become hard to discern what changes are important and what changes are just societal noise which has little bearing on the real paths that we need to tread through life. It is here that a sense of inner direction becomes an exquisite asset.

Navigation Through Life

Sometimes your own purpose in life seems like an ever-unfolding saga. Like a journey across the seas by boat, your journey through life is made safe and direct by the use of a compass. In this journey, you have a built-in compass that helps you navigate in the most appropriate direction.

That compass is your sense of innermost joy. As an expression of your inner being, like a compass, your innermost joy points the way. When you think about the one action you could take right now which would move you towards the most long-term inner joy, you are seeing that course of action which is most connected to your inner being.

Because destinations in life are reached in steps or stages, your inner compass can actually point in seemingly different directions on different days. They key is to realize that the one task you can best address at any given moment is the one which is most aligned with your innermost joy.

Each step on a journey is different; yet, all steps lead to the final destination. If you are inspired to do one thing today and to do something different tomorrow, it is because those tasks are both steps along the pathway to the desired destination. Trust in the timing of your inner guidance. It’s wisdom comes from the part of you which is your connection to the universe and to Infinite Being.

Be attentive to your inspiration and the ideas that it brings. Make a note of these ideas as they occur and, in retrospect, you will be amazed as to how insightful they were.

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My near-death experience

by Owen K Waters

In 1963, at the ripe old age of 13, I found myself floating in the air, just below the ceiling, looking down on my body. Today, we are used to hearing about near-death or out-of-body experiences but, back then, nobody knew anything… and it was just plain terrifying!

Some people report out-of-body experiences after a horrendous car wreck, a heart attack or some other life-threatening emergency. In my case, I was just being happy!

Alto or Tenor Horn

Alto or Tenor Horn

Really, I was playing music on my alto horn in a brass band. I was sitting, reading the sheet music on a stand in front of me and there was this long, low note that I had to play. In fact, it seemed extra long… like time had slowed down… and then it started to sound strange, like there was another noise in my ears.

Suddenly, my consciousness rose up out of the top of my head, continued on up to the ceiling and I found myself looking down on the sheet music stand.

My first thought from my new position above the stand was, “Now I can’t read the next note.” Then, realization about my situation struck home with sudden horror!

I sprang back into my body almost instantly and sat there, dazed and amazed. My out-of-body trip was one big wake-up call and it began my lifelong quest for answers to spiritual mysteries.

Back in 1963, metaphysical topics were rarely discussed, so it was just not appropriate to stand up in a room full of two dozen band members and yell, “I have arisen… all the way out of my body!”

Nurse Ratched in  "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest"

Nurse Ratched in
“One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”

They might have called for men in white coats to come and take me away to the tender mercies of some Nurse Ratched look-alike!

Other spiritual experiences have followed my early out-of-body trip, but none quite as attention-getting as the distinct impression that I’d just died!

That was one big wake-up call and it began my lifelong quest for answers to spiritual mysteries.

Flash forward to 2014: It’s OK to talk about such things now. Even medical doctors are writing about out-of-body and afterlife experiences. The world has changed.

Metaphysical understanding today is light years ahead of where it was in my early years and I am so glad to have been a part of that movement toward better spiritual understanding.

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