Category Archives: Owen K Waters

The Nature of Evil

by Owen Waters

In order to understand the nature of evil, it is more revealing to study its underlying nature and then translate that into physical reality.

In a universe filled with love and light, both of which are freely available to all, the universal flow passes through people, empowering them as it passes. However, some people try to keep as much love and light as possible for themselves, interrupting the natural flow.

It Shows Up in the Human Aura

HumanAuraThis act of restricting or stopping the natural flow produces a tell-tale appearance of darkness in the aura of that person. A person’s aura can be seen by a clairvoyant, or by anyone else with enough practice. However, you don’t have to practice seeing auras in order to know what is in them. Everyone senses the auras of others and reacts according to the meaning of that which they sense. Intuitively, you know everything you need to know about a person when you first lay eyes upon them, or even upon their photograph.

Is there, for example, a secret agenda behind the words that a certain person is speaking? Here, a little inner sensitivity goes a long way in providing such answers.

The human aura is an envelope of etheric energy surrounding the body. Etheric energy is pre-physical energy, more subtle than the electromagnetic energy which makes up physical matter. In the spirit realms, which you visit each night as your body sleeps, etheric energy can be plainly seen as a subtle light which illuminates the environment.

Etheric energy also makes up the subtle matter from which your astral or spirit body is composed. The aura reflects the thoughts and emotions of the person through colorations in its appearance. Dark, dense colors mean an absence of love and light. The light referred to here is etheric light, not physical light.

ShadowsThe Definition of Evil

Cold is the absence of warmth.

Ignorance is the absence of wisdom.

Evil is the absence of light.

The Benevolent Nature of the Universe

Love permeates everything. The universe, and everything in it, was created by three fundamental principles of original consciousness – intent, love, and motion. Love is the medium that fills the envelope of the universe while Divine Intent provides the energy for its active function.

Divine Love is in the air. It even fills the apparent emptiness of space. It is the fabric of the universe and it is a mere thought away at all times to those who open their hearts to this all-pervasive consciousness.

The Antidote to Fear

The antidote to fear is love, and there is no lack of love in the universe. The untangling of established, fear-inducing beliefs can be a challenge. In this case, meditation should be used to find your inner balance and discover the common sense that enables such beliefs to be dissolved.

If you have a stubborn, fear-based belief that persists because it seems correct based upon the facts, ask your inner self to heal that fear. Your inner self is your soul and, despite claims by worldly, outside parties, your soul is your best connection to true, spiritual guidance. When it comes to personal decisions about life, your soul knows you better than anyone in the outside world does, so why go to anyone else for personal advice?

Unkind People are Repelled by This

You should be aware that your spiritual power fills your aura, turning it into a force field of defense against those who might try to intrude into your personal space in order to gain some type of advantage. So, at the end of a daily meditation session, pay attention to the aura surrounding and permeating your body, then visualize it being filled with the love and light of the universe.

When you visualize your aura being filled with the love and light of the universe, not only will it make your day unfold with smooth synchronicity, it will make people of dubious intent want to keep away from you. This is because auras filled with light disturb people with dull, dark, unimaginative auras. They just won’t like being around you.

How to Attract Wonderful People

When you radiate light and unconditional love, other people with good hearts are magnetically attracted to you. After all, like attracts like, even in the physical world, so why not be surrounded by friends with simply wonderful hearts?

If you’d like to try a powerful and effective meditation technique right now, here it is:

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The Gateway to Spiritual Consciousness

by Owen Waters

Love is the saving grace of all of humanity. We contact this primal energy in our finest moments. From the moment a baby is born, it is enshrouded in the unselfish love of its mother. From the moment a person springs into action to save others from peril, their own thoughts of survival are ‘overlighted’ by the love and caring that shines from their heart.

When a person dies and reviews their life, they see that one thing that mattered the most: Love. Pure, unadulterated, unconditional love. It is the source of compassion. It is the energy of caring for others. It is the binding force which holds together the entire universe, and it flows through you whenever you simply allow it.

Love is the gateway to spiritual consciousness. It is through activation of the spiritual heart that we pass into a whole new world of expansion and joy. In the realms of spiritual consciousness, we find peace, bliss, and continual inspiration. In the realms of spiritual consciousness, we expand our view of life to see the issues that are important to the soul. We can then see how love can heal and how we can and should spend the time to spread a little more love in the world every day, even if it is simply done in silent prayer for the well-being of others.

Let your heart open to love each and every day. Start the day in meditation and prayer for the healing and well-being of others and you will invoke a beautiful flow of natural energy through yourself. It truly is a great way to start each day because it sets the tone and the energy flow for the day.

When you are attuned to the natural flow of love throughout the universe, you then feel the natural flow of energy within your own universe. Your senses of insight and timing develop to help you achieve more and to succeed easily at the tasks that are important to you.

The flow of love is critical to life. Without the love of the Divine Mother which fills the universe, nothing would exist. For centuries, humankind has been playing a game where love and inner inspiration have been blocked off and ignored. Today, in this era of The Shift, the tide is turning and people are opening up to this wonderful flow of natural energy.

Remember the love within, especially when outer circumstances seem dark. Remember that love is the gateway to the higher realms of consciousness where answers can be found to meet every challenge that life presents.

Tune into love. It will never let you down. Instead, it will set your spirit free to explore the realms of consciousness which offer greater vistas of awareness, greater peace of mind, and a sense of ever-present joy.

Owen K Waters is the author of Love, Light, Laughter: The New Spirituality.

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The Nature of Your Soul

by Owen Waters

Your soul is your immortal inner being. It existed before time began and it will always exist, even when you eventually merge back into your ultimate spiritual home as a conscious aspect of Infinite Being – the Divine Source of all life.

There are twelve levels of existence, ranging from the mundane – for example, the consciousness of a rock – up to the levels of the three aspects of the Creator. During our current cycles of reincarnation, we use the third, fourth, and fifth of these twelve levels.

The physical realm is in the third density level. The soul is in fifth density, and Infinite Being is beyond the twelfth. Your soul is your individualized spiritual presence, operating in fifth density and it maintains communication with the souls of everyone with whom you interact in daily life.

The soul world of fifth density (or “the fifth dimension” as it may also be called) is non-physical. Our dense physical world is in third density, while fourth density – the afterlife or spirit world – is quasi-physical. The term quasi-physical means that the spirit world is solid to its residents, even though they are etheric or ghost-like when compared to our dense physical structures. Spirits can, and do, bump into each other in the spirit realms because they are solid relative to each other.

Life in the spirit world is much like life in our dense physical world, except that there are certain freedoms that come with having a less dense body. The ability to levitate is one such freedom and, better still, spirits can project themselves almost instantly to another location and suddenly appear there. It just takes mental focus and they suddenly appear at the target location.

Fifth density is the start of non-physical existence, so your soul exists as a non-physical sphere of consciousness. Some traditions refer to the soul as the “mental body” and the soul realms as the “mental realms,” although they are referring to higher mental functions rather than basic, mathematical-type intellect.

Your soul has the freedom to relocate both in time and space but it spends most of its time catering to the needs of its physical, incarnate self. Your soul is the recorder and cataloger of all of your experiences as you add your contribution to the vast array of human experience on earth.

A major portion of your soul consciousness lives right here in third density with you, tending to your every spiritual need. As your inner self, your soul knows you better than anyone else in the world does, and it’s available for consultation instantly at any time. The limiting factor is how much your physical mind will allow and accept these intuitive, soul-originated thoughts.

Make a decision to live a life more inspired by intuitive, inner wisdom, and open up your awareness more to the whisperings of your intuitive nature. Practice following your innermost hunches. Make a note of them so that you can look back later and see how accurate they became.

Most of all, don’t be deterred if your hunches seem inaccurate during any early attempts. It happens that way to most people. If you are new to intuitive listening, just keep practicing and very soon your hunches will start turning into a resource so valuable that you’ll wonder what you did without it.

Whatever you want to achieve in life – an abundance of spiritual growth, greater security, or better health – you can use the capabilities of your soul-based consciousness to empower you and reach that goal of achievement.

Owen Waters is author of Spirituality Made Simple.

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The New Frontier of Discovery

by Owen Waters

The Big Bang theory was first validated by the observations of Edwin Hubble (1884-1953), of Hubble Telescope fame.

Edwin Hubble at Mount Wilson

Edwin Hubble at Mount Wilson Observatory, before the building went non-smoking

He first observed that the faster a galaxy travels, the further it also is away from us. This supported the theory that the galaxies all started in one place and exploded outwards from there.

With the help of the orbiting Hubble Telescope, the size of the universe is currently estimated at approximately 15 billion light-years across. However, it is now calculated that the universe must have needed more than just the initial impetus of a “big bang” in order to manifest in the way that we see it today.

The theory of Inflation was later proposed to describe this additional impetus. It states that an unknown extra force inflated the early expansion of the early universe so that it could become what it is today. While the duration of a big bang event would have been much less than a microsecond, a period of inflation would have lasted for at least 300,000 years.

The basic scenario of the Big Bang theory is that the universe started out as something very small and then expanded outwards to become what we see today.

That, however, leaves us with one great, unanswered mystery.

What Existed Before the Universe Came Into Being?

What lies beyond the envelope which contains the universe? The universe was created by Infinite Being, the original consciousness. It created physical space along with the other dimensions which make up a working universe. These other dimensions (measurable variables of existence) include time, energy, and consciousness at the human level of expression.

So it makes sense that physical space would extend no farther than the edges of the created universe. Beyond those edges, there is only consciousness. Matter cannot exist outside of the edges of the universe because it was the universe that provided the framework for the formation of matter.

There is no physical matter, no space, no time, and no energy outside of the universe. So, what’s left? What could possibly exist outside of the envelope of the universe?


Consciousness is the next frontier of science. Everything in the universe is made of it. Consciousness is the elusive factor in the mysteries of quantum physics. It makes subatomic particles manifest in physical reality. Without consciousness, subatomic particles simply don’t materialize out of the pre-physical world of quantum energy. It takes consciousness to manifest the illusion of physicality.

There can be nothing outside of the universe of space, time and energy – other than consciousness.

The ultimate, and primordial, state of consciousness is Infinite Being. Before Infinite Being created the universe, there was only consciousness. In fact, there still is only consciousness, because energy forms matter, and consciousness forms the energy that runs the universe. The illusions of space and time are but facets of consciousness.

Space, time and energy are merely props upon the stage of this vividly realistic theater of life. Life is basically consciousness, and only consciousness.

Science has progressed over the last 300 years as the result of disciplined, scientific method and, in general, reliance upon the physical senses. This outward focus, however, will not serve science in discovering the meaning of consciousness because consciousness is within, not without.

The development of inner consciousness is the new frontier of discovery.

*Owen Waters is the author of Spirituality Made Simple.

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Love and Light to the World

by Owen Waters

We live in times of crisis, chaos, and opportunity for growth.

Looked at a different way, you could say we live in interesting times. In fact, the rate of change of many things in the world today has sped up to an almost bewildering degree.

Amid the push and tug of contemporary conflicts and beneath all surface appearances, our future is being formed in a way that is building into a transformative tidal wave of change. It is being formed in a place in which we all share, yet most people are unaware even of its existence. That place is called the mind belt.

The mind belt is the mental atmosphere of human thought and feeling that surrounds the planet. Our subconscious minds are immersed in it; our superconscious minds are fully aware of it, yet our conscious minds rarely even glimpse its existence. Even so, our minds share in its atmosphere and we feed it with our own thoughts and feelings just like everyone else.

Let’s stop and think for a moment. Is it better to feed the global mind atmosphere with thoughts of anger, division, fear and desperation, or is it better to offer something more inspirational as our donation to the world’s mind belt?

The question hardly needs answering. As lightworkers we know how to raise our consciousness. While others spend their energy in anger and hate or in scheming to gain more power at the expense of others, we know that the future lies in the next step up the ladder of awareness, which is heart-centered consciousness.

The question is, how do you avoid being pulled down into the mire of human conflict when you want to create a state of harmony for yourself and others?

I’m so glad you asked… 🙂

Here is a technique you can use to create an enlightened space of consciousness for yourself and heal the world at the same time. It is called the Love and Light Technique.

The Love and Light Technique

Several times a day – whenever the thought arises – take a pause to refresh your state of consciousness. Any time you get the chance to enter a quiet space within for a few moments without distraction, you can begin by focusing on your breath.

Imagine, with each in-breath, the air you breathe in is filled with brilliant, energy-charged light. Breathe this light energy into the heart area in the center of your chest.

Then, on each out-breath, mentally focus on the words,

“Love and light to the world.”

Breathe in light, then let it out into the world, conditioned with the intention of love and light. Repeat at least twice more… and many more times when you can.

Do your part to fill the world with love and light. It changes your own state of consciousness and it helps heal the world in these desperate times of crisis.

With crisis comes opportunity. The opportunity to become who you really are, to manifest your soul’s true mission in life.

This is what we as lightworkers are here to do. To change the world. The Love and Light Technique empowers your ability to help humanity, to usher in the New Reality of love, light, and creative freedom of the spirit.

About the author: Owen Waters is the author of Love, Light, Laughter: The New Spirituality.

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Visionary Art and The Shift

by Owen Waters

Visionary art expresses inspirational connections with the spiritual and the non-physical. Prior to the Renaissance, the great artists were primarily employed by the Church to create paintings of the baby Jesus.

Notice the mandatory halos and winged angels in this example of the visionary art of the day.

Nativity scene by Giotto di Bondone, 1304

Once in a while, just for variety, they’d produce a painting of the grown-up Jesus instead. With halos and winged angels, of course.

Then along came the Renaissance

Along with the dawn of the Renaissance came a long-overdue tide change in people’s sense of self-empowerment. A self-employed merchant class began to emerge out of the stifling structure of a peasant-populated feudal system. In the days of the Dark Ages, people were told to “know their place,” which usually meant tilling the land, and to be afraid of the local priest’s message that they might end up in the afterlife even worse off than conditions in their present lives.

From the rubble of such intense human suppression emerged a new vision of hope, one which was based upon self-empowerment; one which was epitomized by Michelangelo’s David, which became the Renaissance icon of self-determination and personal empowerment.

The fact that David was naked caused quite a stir at the time, as did Boticelli’s The Birth of Venus (more popularly known by art museum tourists today as “Venus on the Half Shell”).

Commercially, the Renaissance began with a few venturesome merchants who broke out of the mold of subservience, expanded their activities to wider and wider areas, and became financially abundant. That spirit of independence grew over the centuries into what, today, has become an all-pervasive middle class of skilled, educated and self-determined people.

The dawn of prosperity began to appear in society, slowly dispelling the shadows of the Dark Ages. The most successful of the merchants of the day then had the resources to hire the best artists away from the Church.

Gozzoli’s Journey of the Magi, c.1460, depicting members of
Florence’s ruling Medici family as the wise men.

Creative paintings began to appear. Not just portraits, but paintings full of characters, and, without a halo in sight.

Usually, as if by coincidence, the face of the main character or hero in a painting would look a lot like the person, or persons, who were paying the artist.

Art and Altered States of Consciousness

Art began to move away from the purely religious and into the everyday world. The surreal began, slowly, to emerge. Even some paintings of people at work began to take on a surreal quality, as in “A Dream in the Appenine” (c.1864) by Samuel Palmer.

As with Gozzoli’s Journey of the Medici Family, a religious theme might still be used, but in a very new way, and, without a halo or wing in sight.

In 1860, an artist called Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys painted a particularly surreal vision of Mary Magdalene.

Notice the vivid colors, indicative of some conscious activation of his spirit body’s sense of vision.

The astral or spirit body perceives colors as being much more vivid than they are when seen through just the physical eyes.

In his youth, he shared a residence for a short time with Rossetti, who painted with similar vividness.

Rossetti’s “Vision of Fiammetta” almost looks like an inspiration for the colorfully vivid, psychedelic Flower Power era that would follow less than a century later.

In the early twentieth century, surrealism developed into its own branch of art.

The 1931 work, “The Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dali, isn’t visionary in a the sense of higher consciousness, but it does use art to delve as deeply into subconscious imagery as did his contemporary, Jung, through psychology.

The mysterious depths of the unconscious mind were beginning to emerge and clamor for attention.

People began shifting their attention away from the everyday world in a search of the meaning of the other 90% of the human mind.

‘Stairway to Heaven’ is an example of the work of one of today’s leading visionary artists, Jim Warren. Notice how your gaze is drawn upwards towards higher things.

Notice the presence of water, with its power to revitalize the spirit. Notice, also, the presence of green (the resonant color of the heart chakra and the spirit body) and blue (the resonant color of the soul body). This is a very powerful combination of three uplifting influences. Jim Warren offers a variety of samples of his work such as poster-size art prints at his online gift shop.

The Future of Visionary Art

In these days of The Shift, people need art that provides more than a just a doorway into surreal realms of consciousness. They want to be inspired, uplifted and healed by visions of higher energies and higher consciousness.

The spirit realms are filled with brilliant light, vivid colors and visible energies that recharge the individual and fill the air with love and creative potential. Green and blue shades of colors are especially significant as they resonate with the frequencies of consciousness of the spirit and the soul.

As the inner vision of today’s artists shifts further into the spiritual realms, we can look forward to a new Renaissance in art; one which is visionary and spiritually inspiring.

*This article was written by Owen Waters, author of The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness.

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Mysteries of the Universe

by Owen Waters

The metaphysics of today is the physics of tomorrow. By studying spiritual metaphysics, you get a head start in understanding the mysteries of the universe.

For example, two hundred years ago, electricity was still a huge mystery. Back then, a few visionaries like Michael Faraday uncovered more and more information about the nature of electricity. Once it became possible to generate electricity, it powered the Industrial Revolution and then went on to produce the Electronics Era, which soon morphed into today’s Information Revolution.

This enormous chain reaction of technological evolution was made possible by the original curiosity of just a handful of visionary mystics. Now, imagine what the mystic insights of today’s world could do for tomorrow’s world. For example, the next energy to be understood is etheric energy. A more subtle cousin to electricity, etheric energy is the life force that streams towards us from the Sun, energizing and motivating all forms of life.

The mastery of etheric energy will lead to far more wide-ranging advances than electricity ever did. Within etheric energy, lie the keys to powerful healing modalities, pollution-free energy, and many other valuable innovations. Just the advent of abundant, inexpensive energy will transform the world, eliminating poverty and much of today’s third world suffering.

Etheric energy is life energy. It is the energy that passes from spiritual healer to patient. It is the vitality or life force contained within air, water and food. It is the mystery energy which powers the endless orbit of electrons in their atoms and planets around their suns.

Etheric energy has been known by many other names – prana, life energy, vital life force, chi or qi, orgone, universal life force, odic force, cold electricity, scalar energy, tachyon energy, radiant energy; the list goes on.

Cosmologists – scientists who study the structure of the universe – are actually already on the trail of etheric energy. They have detected its presence in the cosmos through its gravitational side-effects, but they haven’t been able to see it, so they call it ‘dark energy.’ The existence of dark energy – and its related dark matter – is one of the great, unanswered mysteries of science today. According to the observed movements of galaxies, it is calculated that 23% of the universe consists of dark matter and 73% of the universe consists of dark energy.

The universe, it would seem, is filled with unseens. At least, to the limited capabilities of physical eyes. When a cosmologist stares at a clear, night sky, wondering where all the missing energy and matter is in the inky blackness of the depths of space, it would come as a surprise to them if they knew that a clairvoyant – a person who has developed the ability to see subtle energies – sees the same night sky very differently.

It may sound unconventional, even rebellious to tradition, to suggest that a scientist should ask a clairvoyant what they perceive, but it has been done before, and with breakthrough results. For example, in the mid 1800s, one of the top scientists of all time did exactly this.

Carl von Reichenbach had heard that clairvoyants can see a subtle energy of which science was unaware. The fact that he, like most people, lacked clairvoyant vision did not deter him. Such a minor complication was not to be an obstacle to his curiosity and his desire to understand this new form of energy.

So, for his experiments, he hired a group of skilled clairvoyants to describe to him what they could see. He cataloged the appearance and behavior of etheric energy, which he called the ‘odic force,’ around substances such as magnets, crystals, wood and metals.

Today, a cosmologist could, if they dared to be that adventurous, ask a skilled clairvoyant what they see in the clear, night sky. The clairvoyant would report that they see the etheric energies that surge through the universe. To their subtle perception, etheric energy does not appear in the least bit dark. In fact, it glows brightly with the light of its own life energy. To them, the night sky is filled with a brilliant interplay of pure and magical, etheric light.

Etheric energy is one of the three fundamental types of energy in the universe. These three energies are electric, magnetic and etheric. Electric energy operates at a right angle to magnetic energy. The third energy of Creation, etheric energy, operates at yet another right angle to the other two.

Physical matter is made from electromagnetism, which is the interplay of electric and magnetic energies. Etheric matter is quasi-physical, i.e. solid only to the subtle senses, and it is made from etheromagnetism, which is the interplay of etheric and magnetic energies.

Etheric energy and etheric matter are the missing components in today’s cosmology. Etheric energy is the mysterious ‘dark energy’ and etheric matter is the mysterious ‘dark matter.’ Knowing that it can be seen by the subtle senses certainly makes it a more immediate candidate for study and research.

Just the fact that ‘dark’ or etheric energy reveals its presence through its gravitational effects implies that its understanding could lead to control over gravity, and the introduction of weightless, high-speed flying vehicles.

The possibilities for research into this fledgling field are almost unlimited. For example, many of Nikola Tesla’s experiments involved a strange new form of energy that he called ‘cold electricity.’ When his experiments are reviewed in the light that cold electricity is none other than etheric energy, then they begin to make a lot more sense. Etheric energy is the third energy of Creation. It is not a form of electricity. Etheric energy and electric energy share the common bond of interacting with magnetic energy. They bring to life the magnetic fabric of space when they intertwine with it to invoke physical electromagnetic energy and quasi-physical etheromagnetic energy.

Spiritual metaphysics provides a head start in understanding the mysteries of the universe. The sooner today’s scientists search within for understanding, the sooner the world will see them emerge as the modern-day visionaries of science.

When a deeper understanding of etheric energy is achieved, society will reap many benefits, ranging from powerful healing machines and precise weather control to clean, unlimited energy and travel to the stars.

*Owen Waters is the author of The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness.

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The Awesome Power of the Mystery Meme

by Owen K Waters

In The Future of the Human Race Revealed, we listed the memes of social progression which have been identified so far in the book, Spiral Dynamics. The characteristics of the first tier of six memes (patterns of thought) are:

1. Basic, personal survival.
2. Clan survival.
3. Courage, survival of the fittest.
4. Finding order and purpose in life.
5. Achievement, striving to succeed.
6. Community and caring.

Then, a momentous leap into the second, spiritual tier of six memes began with leading-edge thinkers in the 1950s, then mushroomed into popularity in the mid-1960s. Since then, enough people have made the shift into the second tier to enable two of its memes to be identified and analyzed:

7. Responsible freedom.
8. Holistic, global village view.

As of the 1990s, the authors of Spiral Dynamics have also identified the existence of the next meme in the progression. This ninth meme has not yet been observed in large quantities of people, so they have been unable to summarize its characteristics at this point.

Using basic metaphysical principles, however, you can predict exactly what it will become. Also, second tier memes are reminiscent of their first tier cousins. Meme number nine, being the third meme within the second tier of six, will become an enlightened version of the original meme number three, which is courage.

The first tier of six memes is materially-oriented while the second tier is spiritually-oriented. The second tier, being of a higher frequency band of consciousness than the first tier, exerts far more influence in the world when it is activated. As popular use of the second tier of memes only began in the mid-1960s, we have yet to see much of its power manifest in the world.

The second tier of memes, this higher frequency band of consciousness, is the engine of The Shift, the spiritual revolution in human consciousness.

Meme number seven (responsible freedom) is similar to meme number one (basic, personal survival), only transformed into the second tier of six memes. Meme seven means having a viewpoint from a much wider vista of consciousness than meme one. It deals with flexible flow and adaptation to a world full of change. It is like learning to survive all over again, but this time through a global viewpoint. Meme number seven is the starting point, and the orientation course, for the entire second tier of memes.

Meme number eight (holistic, global village view) is the second tier version of meme number two (clan survival). With a viewpoint that is holistic as well as global, it is reminiscent of meme number two. In meme number eight, the vision is to create a global village, or a unified clan of humanity. Unlike the small-clan focus of meme number two, meme number eight thinkers can see that the key to unity is to embrace the unlimited diversity of humanity as a whole. Integration and peace can then be created through the existence of our common humanity, when people accept everyone else as they are, simply because they exist.

This equates to the fundamental, Creator-given right of each human being for self-determination simply because they exist. People were created to experience self-determination. Humanity was also created to have an infinite variety of personalities for the purpose of gaining an infinite variety of experience.

At this higher level of consciousness, it becomes obvious that any attempt to coerce people into conformity with the standards of another person, or another group of people, is actually a violation against the will of the Creator.

Acceptance of diversity, paradoxically, is the key to unity in human experience.

The Nature of the Mystery Meme

The new meme number nine will be like meme number three (courage, survival of the fittest), only in a higher form of manifestation. Meme number three’s courage led to adventure, exploration and mastery of the physical environment. As the second tier memes all have a spiritual orientation, this means that the new meme number nine will bring about adventure, exploration and mastery of the holistic environment of mind, body and spirit. It will do this while encompassing a global scale of awareness.

The new, ninth meme will bring exploration of the spiritually-inspired use of the power of the mind to transform reality for the better. It will create strong demand for spiritual and creative freedom on a global basis.

This far-ranging, inspiring meme has the power, quite simply, to transform the entire world as we know it.

The keywords of the ninth meme will be powerful creativity.

Powerful Creativity

How powerful will it become? How much will this meme transform the world as it gains in popularity?

When a spiritually-oriented person uses their creativity, they use the same formula that Infinite Being originally used to create the entire universe. That’s how powerful spiritual creativity is. In its fundamental form, it consists of three essential components:

(1) Intent is used to define the goal, or the desired outcome. When defining a goal, it is better to leave the specifics undefined and deal in generalities. This allows the universe to find the easiest pathway through which to manifest the desired goal. Even better than specific objects are general principles. For example, the general principle of natural prosperity can find thousands of ways to materialize, whereas a goal involving one specific objective along the path to prosperity limits the options considerably.

(2) Feeling is added to give the goal the life energy with which to grow from an idea into a pre-physical reality that becomes ready to manifest in the physical world. Ideally, an equal balance between the amount of intent and feeling makes for the most powerful act of creativity. For the sake of clarity, feeling is defined as a separate component from intent. In practice, however, the act of creativity expresses intent and feeling intertwined together as one creative act. This is in keeping with the way nature functions. Light, for example, is a form of electromagnetic radiation – electric and magnetic energies intertwined in perfect balance and set into motion.

(3) Action. As the energy of your environment reorganizes itself around your empowered intent, you need to provide the third and final component, action. However, before the action, there first has to be a pause lasting several days. This is a hands-off period where you allow the growth of the project to occur at its own pace within the pre-physical ethers of space. Then, after several days have passed and the objective is ready to manifest, it will cause synchronistic flow to appear in your life. ‘Coincidences’ will occur which cause events around you to move towards the fulfillment of your desired goal. When this flow of supportive coincidences begins to occur, your job is to provide the action which each synchronistic event calls for, until the goal has become fully manifested.

If, for example, a desired career opening occurs, then you would follow that opportunity to see if this is the main event, or if it is just something that you will learn from along the journey towards your goal.

If a key contact occurs which can help your project, then you follow through on that contact to see where it will lead. Whatever mini-opportunities arise along the path to the realization of your goal, you provide the physical action to materialize those opportunities out of the realm of possibilities and bring them into the physical realm. Most often, goals materialize through a daisy chain of events and opportunities, each of which builds up to the final realization of the entire, original goal.

People today are finding their way through the spiritual awakenings that come with second-tier memes number seven and eight. As they activate number nine, the meme of powerful creativity, they discover a power which, unleashed, can transform not only their own lives but the world around them for the better.

The New Reality is yours to explore. It already exists as a frequency of consciousness. In a world where thoughtlessness and heartlessness are common, people of the New Reality bring thoughtfulness and heartfulness. Where there is strife, people of the New Reality bring peace. Where there is pain, people of the New Reality bring love and healing.

This is the New Reality, the spiritual revolution in human consciousness.

Now read more in Owen Waters’ e-book, The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness, which correlates these memes of human progress with the chakra system to reveal even more about the future of humanity. 

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The Future of the Human Race Revealed

by Owen Waters

In the ground-breaking book, Spiral Dynamics by Don Beck and Christopher Cowan, “memes” are defined as the social equivalent of genes. Memes are cultural units of information which self-replicate from mind to mind on a vast scale, appearing within society as new trends of thought.

The progression of memes reflects the development of society from its primitive beginnings up to the present. So far, eight different memes have been identified and analyzed. Their characteristics are:

Meme 1 – Basic, personal survival
The most primitive motivation of just staying alive.

Meme 2 – Clan survival
Tribal and family bonding along with superstition-filled attempts to understand the powers of nature which threaten to overpower them.

Meme 3 – Courage, survival of the fittest
Mastering the environment, fighting to break free of constraints. Sensing many gods, all of which are models of power. This is where individuals first find their personal power but, seeing reality through a worldview of separation and limited resources, compete against each other in attempts to gain advantage. As a meme which is short on thought and long on passion, societies in this stage quickly fragment into territorial, feudal-type communities surrounded by competing, enemy communities.

Meme 4 – Finding order and purpose in life
Obeying authority, regulations and externally imposed rules of behavior and morality. Sacrificing the self to a greater cause for a deferred reward. Dedicating allegiance to one supreme God. This social meme started to spread within civilization 5,000 years ago. Eventually, alliances arose between large-scale feudal structures and those who wished to develop extensive religious power.

Meme 5 – Achievement, striving to succeed
Fighting to win, beating the competition, achieving independence. This meme started to spread significantly in the 1700s. It was made possible by the collapse of feudalism and also a sense of increased personal empowerment, which was a side-effect of the Protestant Reformation. It gained particular strength with the founding of the United States, whose Constitution and Bill of Rights intentionally empowered and protected individual liberty.

Meme 6 – Community and caring
Unconditional love, accepting others as they are, seeing the value of service to others, the beginnings of spiritual understanding. Freedom of the spirit from greed, dogma, contention and other distractions from spiritual centeredness. This meme started to spread in the mid-1800s.

The momentous leap into the second tier

Professor Clare Graves, the originator of this branch of social science, saw the first set of six memes as a first tier of human development. He called the transition of the human race into meme number seven a momentous leap, an entry into an entirely new set of memes, a new tier of consciousness. With this new tier comes freedom from all of the fears of the prior memes, and, finally, the freedom for human cognition to focus upon its possibilities in the world.

As more and more people shift into the second tier of memes, the underpinnings of society become spiritual rather than materialistic. The second tier is expansive rather than self-serving or merely survival-oriented. Service to the world community, to the planet as a whole, becomes the inspiration as people activate these higher memes of consciousness.

“Love and light” is not just a greeting to wish someone well, it is the byline of the emerging New Reality. The future of the human race is a bright one. It is love and light.

Meme 7 – Responsible freedom

Flexible flow, adapting to a world full of change. Big-picture views, the discovery of self-accountable, personal freedom. This meme started to spread after the global defeat of fascism in World War II. While most people started to look forward to the renewed chance to create personal prosperity, the beat generation of the 1950s emerged with its questioning of materialistic culture. This emerging movement examined Eastern philosophy, such as Zen Buddhism, in a search for answers to the mysteries of life.

In meme number seven, people act from an inner-directed core. Values come from fundamental, natural law, meaning that human rights are perceived as fundamental due to the fact that you exist.

By nature, seventh meme thinkers are self-accountable and independent within reason. They are honest in their communications and do not spend time on the rules of formality, unless they are important to those present. Seventh meme thinkers like technology for what it can do to improve life, and they value knowledge and competency above rank or status.

They enjoy the pleasures of life, without being bound by any of them, and pursue activities that express their inner joy. External fashions and trends have no bearing upon these choices. They have emotional control, meaning that they still express emotions, but these expressions are appropriate, and not uncontrolled outbursts.

This is a powerful meme in promoting the exploration of the greater possibilities of life. It creates information networks and networks of people which easily adapt to changing needs.

Seventh meme thinkers are concerned with the endangered world environment and want to restore viability and ecological order. Their purpose of living includes being independent within reason, knowledgeable as much as possible, and caring for others within practical limits. They are accountable to themselves as responsible individuals, yet embrace their community of associates. Rather than striving to have things or to achieve things, they prefer to pursue personal development along a pathway that is natural to them.

They can interact with people of the first six memes and speak their psychological language. They respect others’ world views and unique habits, customs and cultures, even if they don’t necessarily agree with them.

This meme brings a high sense of self-esteem based upon information as much as emotion. It brings an enlightened self-acceptance which acknowledges and accepts their own shortcomings and faults as mere stages along the way to acquiring more skills.

Meme 8 – Holistic, global view

Spiritual awareness, learning through simply being as well as doing. Becoming conscious of the superconscious, trusting intuition. This meme started to spread in the cultural and spiritual awakening of the mid-1960s. Those seekers who found this pattern of thinking launched a whole new movement of spiritual awareness. This spiritual renaissance has the potential to develop the awareness to carry humanity through The Shift and into the New Reality.

This meme has a global village outlook, and seeks projects and solutions that will work well for the whole planet. It contains the vision to bring order out of chaos.

Because of the incredible power of the second tier of memes, these will accelerate the transformation of the world as they become more and more widely adopted.

Meme 9 – The mystery meme

The authors of Spiral Dynamics have identified meme number nine. They call this the Coral meme, but they have not observed it in large quantities of people, so they cannot yet summarize its characteristics.

However, using basic metaphysical principles, you can predict exactly what meme number nine will become. Continue reading in The Awesome Power of the Mystery Meme

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Thoughtspeed: The Speed of Thought in Free Space

by Owen Waters

Old ideas give way to new ones. Old barriers, sooner or later, crumble and fade away.

One idea that is crumbling today is the idea that nothing in the universe can go faster than lightspeed. This will be replaced by a recognition that thought travels many thousands of times faster than lightspeed – at the speed of thought in free space, or thoughtspeed.

In the early Star Trek series on television, the mission of the Starship Enterprise was to explore the universe and boldly go where no one has gone before. The Enterprise was able to exceed light speed; quite considerably, it would seem, as it was supposed to have traveled to the edge of the Milky Way galaxy in just a few hours. The cruising speed actually required for such a feat is millions of times lightspeed.

Science fiction is often a medium for possibility thinking. The possibility of humans touring the galaxy and beyond seems eminently reasonable. After all, human potential is, by design, unlimited. There is no way in creation that the universe can be just a set of pretty lights that we never get to explore!

Today, the shift towards recognizing thoughtspeed is just beginning. Faster-than-light phenomena are being observed by today’s physicists when they see the effects of subatomic particles communicating with each other. When a subatomic particle bumps into another one, they become ‘friends’ and carry on communicating with each other. The fact that they then become separated by millions of miles does not reduce their willingness to communicate. When something happens to one particle, it lets the other particle know about it and, in pure empathy, it reacts in a like manner.

We know from the work of insightful pioneers like biologist Rupert Sheldrake that telepathy works, but how fast does it work? As thoughts are nonphysical, they certainly are not limited by lightspeed. The question is, how much faster than light is the speed of thought in free space? It is likely thousands of times, and possibly millions of times, faster.

In 2013, scientists in China used the latest in high-speed measuring devices to gain an idea of how fast energy particles communicate with each other across a 15 km (9 mile) distance. The equipment is still not sophisticated enough to produce a definite figure, but they did determine that the speed of particle communication is at least 10,000 times faster than the speed of light.

What’s next? Send particles over really long distances… like to the Moon? Then, when an earthbound particle reacts at thoughtspeed to its friend’s change of state as it reaches the Moon, you’d have a much better idea of the true speed of thought in free space.

In the 1940s, aircraft were limited to the speed of sound until they found a way through the sound barrier and were then able to travel at supersonic speeds. One day, when our spaceship propulsion drives are capable of accelerating ships to lightspeed, we will find a way for them to break the light barrier.

Then, we won’t be just looking up at the night sky any more. We’ll be flying through it, going where no one has gone before.

*Owen Waters is the author of Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom.

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