Category Archives: Metaphysics

Global Meditation for the Age of Aquarius

by Owen Waters

Following yesterday’s article, The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, here is our suggested meditation.

Try this technique now and see what a difference it makes to your spiritual life, both immediately and, as an energetic reaction, in the following days.

Sit upright, preferably with your hands resting in your lap, palms facing upwards. Breathe rhythmically and evenly. Close your eyes and turn away from your everyday thoughts by letting your attention focus on your breath. Whenever you notice your thoughts wandering, peacefully turn away from those thoughts, which can always be dealt with later, and return to focusing on your breath.

Start your meditation session by spending time in gratitude for everything and everyone in your life.

Next, raise your mind to attune with the greatest work of Creation that you can physically touch: Send your thanks to your home in space – to Gaia, the Mother Earth.

Then, raise your mind up to the Sun as the greatest work of Creation that can appear before your senses and send your love and light to this mighty, life-giving orb.

Finally, thank the Creator for all these things and then be still. Allow yourself time to notice the uplifting reaction that fills your heart.

Recognize your spiritual nature. Know that you are a spiritual being living in a physical world and ask God or the universal Spirit for the life energy that you are about to use. This connection to higher consciousness will amplify your efforts many times.

Take several breaths. With each in-breath, visualize life energy building into a vibrant white light within you and charging every cell of your being with its life-giving energy.

Visualize the positive change that you want to bring into being in the world. What do the attributes of Aquarius mean to you? See a world filled with such freedoms and joy.

The Age of Aquarius is about peace, spiritual joy, harmony, respect and equality for all people, creativity, compassion, and the freedom to pursue your God-given rights to Life, Liberty, and Happiness.

Now, we’re ready to use an inbreath-outbreath cycle to transmit healing energy for the intended purpose. With every inbreath, see your lungs being filled with the vibrant white light of universal life energy.

With every outbreath, send the power of this love and light out to humanity. Direct it as a beam of brilliant white light from your heart chakra out into the world, holding the intention of healing.

Perform this as a series of inbreaths and outbreaths for as long as you wish, then relax and spend some time in the afterglow of a spiritual mission well accomplished.

These are the days of action, and that means service to others. Even better, your service to others also helps you in your own spiritual enlightenment. Action and reaction are opposite and equal.

Every time you send your light out into the world, you take another step forward towards your own enlightenment.

The Age of Aquarius Meditation in Summary

Sit upright with your eyes closed.
Make a spiritual connection, one which includes gratitude for life and all of Creation.
Intend a better world by visualizing the desired positive outcome.
Breathe in life energy with each inbreath.
On each outbreath, repeat your intention and send a beam of white light from your heart out into the world.

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The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

by Owen Waters

The Age of Aquarius will last for 2,160 years, so it takes several years for its influence to swing into full effect and become obvious in world affairs.

However, the main trigger for the emergence of this new age – the exact conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at zero degrees of Aquarius – happens on December 21st, 2020.

Previous cosmic eras were triggered by the same zero-degrees conjunction of these powerful planets, each time creating a new phase of growth in human evolution. Previous ages include the dawn of the Age of Aries in 2,330 BC and the dawn of the Age of Pisces in 126 BC.

The New Age of Aquarius is about peace, spiritual joy, harmony, humanity, equality, spiritual liberation, and the freedom to pursue your God-given rights to Life, Liberty, and Happiness.

In recent decades, we have seen glimpses of the nature of the dawning Age of Aquarius. Starting in 1967, in the rock musical Hair, the leading song proclaimed, “This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius” (perhaps a little prematurely) and chanted inspiring lines like,

Peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation
Let the sun shine in

Back in 1967, this was revolutionary thinking. It was rebellion against the status quo.

That is because the ideals of Aquarius are associated with democracy, freedom, creativity, nonconformity, humanitarianism, idealism, philanthropy, empathy, respect for people, respect for human rights, and, yes, even rebellion. The old ways of darkness cannot remain standing for long when such a new light emerges upon the planet.

Closer to the actual dawn of the new Aquarian age, spiritual evolution gained a huge boost in 2012 when the December 21st solstice opened the gateway to a whole new era of possibilities. The 2012 gateway marked the closure of many cosmic cycles and the restart of those same cycles in a new and constructive mode, making positive actions much easier to achieve.

Everyone who treated the 2012 winter solstice as a gateway to a bright and hopeful new era helped make the world a better place. Prior to the 2012 gateway, global nuclear devastation had still remained a possibility in our future. Inspired, positive people handled that critical juncture in their own unique ways at a time when the fate of the world lay in the balance. As a result of their efforts, the collective mind of humanity shifted to a new reality where the nuclear option completely ceased to exist!

This year, at the December 21st solstice of 2020, the Age of Aquarius starts with a bang! And that’s not all. Other major astrological aspects at this time also mark the start of new cycles of Aquarian-style influence, not just in its 2,160-year cosmic age, but also in 200-year, 500-year, and 800-year cycles!


Other Relevant Cycles are also at Work

Democracy is a vital component of the Age of Aquarius and it got started 800 years ago. In those days, a king had ultimate power and he could do just as he pleased with regard to no one. Magna Carta changed all that.

A king of England…
not King John. 🙂

It was a charter of liberties which forced King John of England to agree to new rights for the population that would place him – the ruler – underneath a new rule of Law. With the king forced to give up many of his oppressive actions, the populace gained new rights which would become the basis for the future of English common law and freedom from oppression.

Today, there is also a repeat of the astrological conjunction that triggered another huge wave of change 500 years ago. This one shows just how huge a change can emerge from small beginnings. At the time, Martin Luther was incensed with Church corruption, such as the selling of indulgences (paying money for the forgiveness of sins), and he began hammering copies of his essays of protest to church doors. He demanded reform, risking his life and liberty in the face of enormous established power. Instead of simple reform, what emerged was far more wide-ranging. The Protestant Revolution sprang into life. It was the birth of whole new branches of Christianity where loving communion with the Prince of Peace became a revival movement that took precedent over the old habit of Sunday sermons berating entire congregations as sinners.

The start of a more recent cycle 200 years ago prepared the way for today’s big change. Discoveries in electricity heralded an era of scientific development leading to rapid developments in industry, then homes, and later in today’s people-empowering computers and Internet.

Today’s gateway of change in 2020 is one of massive astrological significance. Powerful aspects are aligning, marking the development of major, long-term cycles of Aquarian influence.

This will eventually bring about a huge reset in world affairs, but first…

A Word of Caution

People sometimes expect changes to happen now or, at the latest, tomorrow… the kind of people you could almost imagine praying, “Please, God, grant me patience… and hurry it up!”

With grand cosmic cycles, the timescale for change is years, not hours. For example, many people expected the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 to cause a huge positive change in world affairs. When no changes emerged in the next few days, many became disillusioned.

Had they allowed for a longer time frame, they would have felt much better because, two years later, the Berlin Wall was turned into rubble and, two years after that, the Soviet Union collapsed. This ended the Cold War which had haunted the world for decades with the imminent threat of nuclear annihilation. A greater peace emerged, just as originally anticipated, but with its own time schedule.

So, you might wonder, when will today’s powerful astrological influence become noticeable? Big changes take time, but the stars do guarantee their eventual emergence. Its timescale falls into the period 2020-2032, and probably around the middle of that period. So, the obvious changes for the better may not become apparent until 2026, give or take two years.

How You Can Help the World

You can be a part of this emergence into a new and higher level of consciousness for humanity. Engaging in meditation along with intentions for a better world make an enormous difference when focused right around the time of such a big influence.

These enormously influential planets come together just as they enter Aquarius for the first time in centuries to initiate a powerful new phase of growth in human evolution.

Take 20 minutes – or much longer if you can – to join with the hearts and minds of many groups around the world as they partake in an Age of Aquarius Activation meditation.

The exact moment of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction will be at 6:22 pm UTC (GMT) on Monday, December 21, 2020. In local times, this will be:

Monday, December 21, 2020:
10:22 am PST in Los Angeles,
11:22 am MST in Denver,
12:22 pm CST in Chicago,
1:22 pm EST in New York,
6:22 pm GMT in London,
7:22 pm CET in Paris
Tuesday, December 22nd:
5:22 am AEDT in Sydney.
7:22 am NZDT in Auckland.

Our suggested meditation is provided in a separate article at:

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Father-Mother God

by Owen Waters

The concept of God as a Father-Mother principle, not just a Father God, is hardly new. For example, the Christian Science movement, founded in 1879, is one which holds the Father-Mother God principle as central to its teachings.

They regard the masculine qualities of God, such as strength, constancy and protection to be related to the Father aspect of God, while the feminine qualities, such as gentleness, compassion and nurturing to be related to the Mother aspect of God. They do not see God as two ‘people’ – a male entity and a female entity – but rather as an integrated, all-pervasive presence possessing both aspects of consciousness in equal balance.

If we look at the nature of the original consciousness which is behind all things, we can better understand the concept of an integrated Father-Mother God. God is not a person. God is an everywhere-present, all-knowing intelligence which created and maintains the universe. Behind even this creative presence, is the ultimate, original, unchanging state of consciousness, that of Infinite Being.

Infinite Being is a state of perfect beingness which contains all potential. As such, it fundamentally does not “do,” it just is. It is perfection, and therefore unchanging. However, at some point, Infinite Being decided to ‘become,’ rather than just ‘be.’ It decided to manifest its potential, and then to act out every part of that potential.

Once Infinite Being had made the decision to create the universe, it achieved the Creation through its only available tool – that of consciousness. Infinite Being divided its consciousness into two complementary aspects. In one direction, it focused intent. In another direction, it focused feeling. Then, it applied motion so that the two facets of itself – intent and feeling – could interact with each other as intertwined waves of consciousness in motion. In this way, Infinite Being extended itself from just being, into a state of action and creation.

The dividing of the ‘waters’ of original consciousness into two, complementary aspects created the aspect of intent and the aspect of feeling. These two principles of consciousness interact together in perfect, equal balance. Were they not perfectly balanced, the universe would cease to exist!

People traditionally find comfort in thinking of God as a parent-like presence. The two aspects of consciousness are not, literally, terms relating to gender. However, you could choose to think of the intent aspect as the Creator part and the one which seems more father-like. You could also choose to think of the feeling aspect as the Preserver of all of creation and as the one which seems more mother-like. However, these are just images to help us identify, from a human perspective, with the vastness of the consciousness of God.

God maintains the universe through a perfect balance of the complementary aspects of its consciousness. In the light of this, if people choose to think of God in parental terms, then the word God today has to mean ‘Father-Mother God’ and not just ‘God the Father.’

Remember that without God the Father’s other half, the universe would cease to exist!

Today, the concept of Father-Mother God has become a very timely one. As we progress through The Shift to heart-centered consciousness, the concept of patriarchy is steadily fading away into history. Father God, as a male persona, is part of the Old Reality thinking. The expanded concept of Father-Mother God is inbuilt into the new awareness.

We are entering a New Reality where all people are honored equally, regardless of race, creed, color, personal preferences and, especially, gender. Heart-centered consciousness means unconditional love and acceptance of all people in their infinite diversity. We exist on this earth as the eyes and ears of Infinite Being as it seeks to experience itself through the variety of every possible viewpoint.

Diversity is integral to our purpose in existence.

Your purpose in life includes the development of your own potential so that you can become the most unique ‘you’ possible. Today’s emerging heart-centered consciousness means that people will support, rather than compete against, the efforts of other people.

As New Reality consciousness expands, human potential will flower in creative ways never before imagined possible. You can think of God as a balance of Father-Mother God consciousness or simply go beyond that to think of Infinite Being as the ultimate state of unchanging perfection. Either way, remember that the conscious awareness of the presence of God is a mere thought away.

It is your concept of the God presence within which will feed the flame of your creativity and help bring your unique potential into full and joyful manifestation.

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The Nature of Evil

by Owen Waters

In order to understand the nature of evil, it is more revealing to study its underlying nature and then translate that into physical reality.

In a universe filled with love and light, both of which are freely available to all, the universal flow passes through people, empowering them as it passes. However, some people try to keep as much love and light as possible for themselves, interrupting the natural flow.

It Shows Up in the Human Aura

HumanAuraThis act of restricting or stopping the natural flow produces a tell-tale appearance of darkness in the aura of that person. A person’s aura can be seen by a clairvoyant, or by anyone else with enough practice. However, you don’t have to practice seeing auras in order to know what is in them. Everyone senses the auras of others and reacts according to the meaning of that which they sense. Intuitively, you know everything you need to know about a person when you first lay eyes upon them, or even upon their photograph.

Is there, for example, a secret agenda behind the words that a certain person is speaking? Here, a little inner sensitivity goes a long way in providing such answers.

The human aura is an envelope of etheric energy surrounding the body. Etheric energy is pre-physical energy, more subtle than the electromagnetic energy which makes up physical matter. In the spirit realms, which you visit each night as your body sleeps, etheric energy can be plainly seen as a subtle light which illuminates the environment.

Etheric energy also makes up the subtle matter from which your astral or spirit body is composed. The aura reflects the thoughts and emotions of the person through colorations in its appearance. Dark, dense colors mean an absence of love and light. The light referred to here is etheric light, not physical light.

ShadowsThe Definition of Evil

Cold is the absence of warmth.

Ignorance is the absence of wisdom.

Evil is the absence of light.

The Benevolent Nature of the Universe

Love permeates everything. The universe, and everything in it, was created by three fundamental principles of original consciousness – intent, love, and motion. Love is the medium that fills the envelope of the universe while Divine Intent provides the energy for its active function.

Divine Love is in the air. It even fills the apparent emptiness of space. It is the fabric of the universe and it is a mere thought away at all times to those who open their hearts to this all-pervasive consciousness.

The Antidote to Fear

The antidote to fear is love, and there is no lack of love in the universe. The untangling of established, fear-inducing beliefs can be a challenge. In this case, meditation should be used to find your inner balance and discover the common sense that enables such beliefs to be dissolved.

If you have a stubborn, fear-based belief that persists because it seems correct based upon the facts, ask your inner self to heal that fear. Your inner self is your soul and, despite claims by worldly, outside parties, your soul is your best connection to true, spiritual guidance. When it comes to personal decisions about life, your soul knows you better than anyone in the outside world does, so why go to anyone else for personal advice?

Unkind People are Repelled by This

You should be aware that your spiritual power fills your aura, turning it into a force field of defense against those who might try to intrude into your personal space in order to gain some type of advantage. So, at the end of a daily meditation session, pay attention to the aura surrounding and permeating your body, then visualize it being filled with the love and light of the universe.

When you visualize your aura being filled with the love and light of the universe, not only will it make your day unfold with smooth synchronicity, it will make people of dubious intent want to keep away from you. This is because auras filled with light disturb people with dull, dark, unimaginative auras. They just won’t like being around you.

How to Attract Wonderful People

When you radiate light and unconditional love, other people with good hearts are magnetically attracted to you. After all, like attracts like, even in the physical world, so why not be surrounded by friends with simply wonderful hearts?

If you’d like to try a powerful and effective meditation technique right now, here it is:

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The New Frontier of Discovery

by Owen Waters

The Big Bang theory was first validated by the observations of Edwin Hubble (1884-1953), of Hubble Telescope fame.

Edwin Hubble at Mount Wilson

Edwin Hubble at Mount Wilson Observatory, before the building went non-smoking

He first observed that the faster a galaxy travels, the further it also is away from us. This supported the theory that the galaxies all started in one place and exploded outwards from there.

With the help of the orbiting Hubble Telescope, the size of the universe is currently estimated at approximately 15 billion light-years across. However, it is now calculated that the universe must have needed more than just the initial impetus of a “big bang” in order to manifest in the way that we see it today.

The theory of Inflation was later proposed to describe this additional impetus. It states that an unknown extra force inflated the early expansion of the early universe so that it could become what it is today. While the duration of a big bang event would have been much less than a microsecond, a period of inflation would have lasted for at least 300,000 years.

The basic scenario of the Big Bang theory is that the universe started out as something very small and then expanded outwards to become what we see today.

That, however, leaves us with one great, unanswered mystery.

What Existed Before the Universe Came Into Being?

What lies beyond the envelope which contains the universe? The universe was created by Infinite Being, the original consciousness. It created physical space along with the other dimensions which make up a working universe. These other dimensions (measurable variables of existence) include time, energy, and consciousness at the human level of expression.

So it makes sense that physical space would extend no farther than the edges of the created universe. Beyond those edges, there is only consciousness. Matter cannot exist outside of the edges of the universe because it was the universe that provided the framework for the formation of matter.

There is no physical matter, no space, no time, and no energy outside of the universe. So, what’s left? What could possibly exist outside of the envelope of the universe?


Consciousness is the next frontier of science. Everything in the universe is made of it. Consciousness is the elusive factor in the mysteries of quantum physics. It makes subatomic particles manifest in physical reality. Without consciousness, subatomic particles simply don’t materialize out of the pre-physical world of quantum energy. It takes consciousness to manifest the illusion of physicality.

There can be nothing outside of the universe of space, time and energy – other than consciousness.

The ultimate, and primordial, state of consciousness is Infinite Being. Before Infinite Being created the universe, there was only consciousness. In fact, there still is only consciousness, because energy forms matter, and consciousness forms the energy that runs the universe. The illusions of space and time are but facets of consciousness.

Space, time and energy are merely props upon the stage of this vividly realistic theater of life. Life is basically consciousness, and only consciousness.

Science has progressed over the last 300 years as the result of disciplined, scientific method and, in general, reliance upon the physical senses. This outward focus, however, will not serve science in discovering the meaning of consciousness because consciousness is within, not without.

The development of inner consciousness is the new frontier of discovery.

*Owen Waters is the author of Spirituality Made Simple.

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The Awesome Power of the Mystery Meme

by Owen K Waters

In The Future of the Human Race Revealed, we listed the memes of social progression which have been identified so far in the book, Spiral Dynamics. The characteristics of the first tier of six memes (patterns of thought) are:

1. Basic, personal survival.
2. Clan survival.
3. Courage, survival of the fittest.
4. Finding order and purpose in life.
5. Achievement, striving to succeed.
6. Community and caring.

Then, a momentous leap into the second, spiritual tier of six memes began with leading-edge thinkers in the 1950s, then mushroomed into popularity in the mid-1960s. Since then, enough people have made the shift into the second tier to enable two of its memes to be identified and analyzed:

7. Responsible freedom.
8. Holistic, global village view.

As of the 1990s, the authors of Spiral Dynamics have also identified the existence of the next meme in the progression. This ninth meme has not yet been observed in large quantities of people, so they have been unable to summarize its characteristics at this point.

Using basic metaphysical principles, however, you can predict exactly what it will become. Also, second tier memes are reminiscent of their first tier cousins. Meme number nine, being the third meme within the second tier of six, will become an enlightened version of the original meme number three, which is courage.

The first tier of six memes is materially-oriented while the second tier is spiritually-oriented. The second tier, being of a higher frequency band of consciousness than the first tier, exerts far more influence in the world when it is activated. As popular use of the second tier of memes only began in the mid-1960s, we have yet to see much of its power manifest in the world.

The second tier of memes, this higher frequency band of consciousness, is the engine of The Shift, the spiritual revolution in human consciousness.

Meme number seven (responsible freedom) is similar to meme number one (basic, personal survival), only transformed into the second tier of six memes. Meme seven means having a viewpoint from a much wider vista of consciousness than meme one. It deals with flexible flow and adaptation to a world full of change. It is like learning to survive all over again, but this time through a global viewpoint. Meme number seven is the starting point, and the orientation course, for the entire second tier of memes.

Meme number eight (holistic, global village view) is the second tier version of meme number two (clan survival). With a viewpoint that is holistic as well as global, it is reminiscent of meme number two. In meme number eight, the vision is to create a global village, or a unified clan of humanity. Unlike the small-clan focus of meme number two, meme number eight thinkers can see that the key to unity is to embrace the unlimited diversity of humanity as a whole. Integration and peace can then be created through the existence of our common humanity, when people accept everyone else as they are, simply because they exist.

This equates to the fundamental, Creator-given right of each human being for self-determination simply because they exist. People were created to experience self-determination. Humanity was also created to have an infinite variety of personalities for the purpose of gaining an infinite variety of experience.

At this higher level of consciousness, it becomes obvious that any attempt to coerce people into conformity with the standards of another person, or another group of people, is actually a violation against the will of the Creator.

Acceptance of diversity, paradoxically, is the key to unity in human experience.

The Nature of the Mystery Meme

The new meme number nine will be like meme number three (courage, survival of the fittest), only in a higher form of manifestation. Meme number three’s courage led to adventure, exploration and mastery of the physical environment. As the second tier memes all have a spiritual orientation, this means that the new meme number nine will bring about adventure, exploration and mastery of the holistic environment of mind, body and spirit. It will do this while encompassing a global scale of awareness.

The new, ninth meme will bring exploration of the spiritually-inspired use of the power of the mind to transform reality for the better. It will create strong demand for spiritual and creative freedom on a global basis.

This far-ranging, inspiring meme has the power, quite simply, to transform the entire world as we know it.

The keywords of the ninth meme will be powerful creativity.

Powerful Creativity

How powerful will it become? How much will this meme transform the world as it gains in popularity?

When a spiritually-oriented person uses their creativity, they use the same formula that Infinite Being originally used to create the entire universe. That’s how powerful spiritual creativity is. In its fundamental form, it consists of three essential components:

(1) Intent is used to define the goal, or the desired outcome. When defining a goal, it is better to leave the specifics undefined and deal in generalities. This allows the universe to find the easiest pathway through which to manifest the desired goal. Even better than specific objects are general principles. For example, the general principle of natural prosperity can find thousands of ways to materialize, whereas a goal involving one specific objective along the path to prosperity limits the options considerably.

(2) Feeling is added to give the goal the life energy with which to grow from an idea into a pre-physical reality that becomes ready to manifest in the physical world. Ideally, an equal balance between the amount of intent and feeling makes for the most powerful act of creativity. For the sake of clarity, feeling is defined as a separate component from intent. In practice, however, the act of creativity expresses intent and feeling intertwined together as one creative act. This is in keeping with the way nature functions. Light, for example, is a form of electromagnetic radiation – electric and magnetic energies intertwined in perfect balance and set into motion.

(3) Action. As the energy of your environment reorganizes itself around your empowered intent, you need to provide the third and final component, action. However, before the action, there first has to be a pause lasting several days. This is a hands-off period where you allow the growth of the project to occur at its own pace within the pre-physical ethers of space. Then, after several days have passed and the objective is ready to manifest, it will cause synchronistic flow to appear in your life. ‘Coincidences’ will occur which cause events around you to move towards the fulfillment of your desired goal. When this flow of supportive coincidences begins to occur, your job is to provide the action which each synchronistic event calls for, until the goal has become fully manifested.

If, for example, a desired career opening occurs, then you would follow that opportunity to see if this is the main event, or if it is just something that you will learn from along the journey towards your goal.

If a key contact occurs which can help your project, then you follow through on that contact to see where it will lead. Whatever mini-opportunities arise along the path to the realization of your goal, you provide the physical action to materialize those opportunities out of the realm of possibilities and bring them into the physical realm. Most often, goals materialize through a daisy chain of events and opportunities, each of which builds up to the final realization of the entire, original goal.

People today are finding their way through the spiritual awakenings that come with second-tier memes number seven and eight. As they activate number nine, the meme of powerful creativity, they discover a power which, unleashed, can transform not only their own lives but the world around them for the better.

The New Reality is yours to explore. It already exists as a frequency of consciousness. In a world where thoughtlessness and heartlessness are common, people of the New Reality bring thoughtfulness and heartfulness. Where there is strife, people of the New Reality bring peace. Where there is pain, people of the New Reality bring love and healing.

This is the New Reality, the spiritual revolution in human consciousness.

Now read more in Owen Waters’ e-book, The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness, which correlates these memes of human progress with the chakra system to reveal even more about the future of humanity. 

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The Future of the Human Race Revealed

by Owen Waters

In the ground-breaking book, Spiral Dynamics by Don Beck and Christopher Cowan, “memes” are defined as the social equivalent of genes. Memes are cultural units of information which self-replicate from mind to mind on a vast scale, appearing within society as new trends of thought.

The progression of memes reflects the development of society from its primitive beginnings up to the present. So far, eight different memes have been identified and analyzed. Their characteristics are:

Meme 1 – Basic, personal survival
The most primitive motivation of just staying alive.

Meme 2 – Clan survival
Tribal and family bonding along with superstition-filled attempts to understand the powers of nature which threaten to overpower them.

Meme 3 – Courage, survival of the fittest
Mastering the environment, fighting to break free of constraints. Sensing many gods, all of which are models of power. This is where individuals first find their personal power but, seeing reality through a worldview of separation and limited resources, compete against each other in attempts to gain advantage. As a meme which is short on thought and long on passion, societies in this stage quickly fragment into territorial, feudal-type communities surrounded by competing, enemy communities.

Meme 4 – Finding order and purpose in life
Obeying authority, regulations and externally imposed rules of behavior and morality. Sacrificing the self to a greater cause for a deferred reward. Dedicating allegiance to one supreme God. This social meme started to spread within civilization 5,000 years ago. Eventually, alliances arose between large-scale feudal structures and those who wished to develop extensive religious power.

Meme 5 – Achievement, striving to succeed
Fighting to win, beating the competition, achieving independence. This meme started to spread significantly in the 1700s. It was made possible by the collapse of feudalism and also a sense of increased personal empowerment, which was a side-effect of the Protestant Reformation. It gained particular strength with the founding of the United States, whose Constitution and Bill of Rights intentionally empowered and protected individual liberty.

Meme 6 – Community and caring
Unconditional love, accepting others as they are, seeing the value of service to others, the beginnings of spiritual understanding. Freedom of the spirit from greed, dogma, contention and other distractions from spiritual centeredness. This meme started to spread in the mid-1800s.

The momentous leap into the second tier

Professor Clare Graves, the originator of this branch of social science, saw the first set of six memes as a first tier of human development. He called the transition of the human race into meme number seven a momentous leap, an entry into an entirely new set of memes, a new tier of consciousness. With this new tier comes freedom from all of the fears of the prior memes, and, finally, the freedom for human cognition to focus upon its possibilities in the world.

As more and more people shift into the second tier of memes, the underpinnings of society become spiritual rather than materialistic. The second tier is expansive rather than self-serving or merely survival-oriented. Service to the world community, to the planet as a whole, becomes the inspiration as people activate these higher memes of consciousness.

“Love and light” is not just a greeting to wish someone well, it is the byline of the emerging New Reality. The future of the human race is a bright one. It is love and light.

Meme 7 – Responsible freedom

Flexible flow, adapting to a world full of change. Big-picture views, the discovery of self-accountable, personal freedom. This meme started to spread after the global defeat of fascism in World War II. While most people started to look forward to the renewed chance to create personal prosperity, the beat generation of the 1950s emerged with its questioning of materialistic culture. This emerging movement examined Eastern philosophy, such as Zen Buddhism, in a search for answers to the mysteries of life.

In meme number seven, people act from an inner-directed core. Values come from fundamental, natural law, meaning that human rights are perceived as fundamental due to the fact that you exist.

By nature, seventh meme thinkers are self-accountable and independent within reason. They are honest in their communications and do not spend time on the rules of formality, unless they are important to those present. Seventh meme thinkers like technology for what it can do to improve life, and they value knowledge and competency above rank or status.

They enjoy the pleasures of life, without being bound by any of them, and pursue activities that express their inner joy. External fashions and trends have no bearing upon these choices. They have emotional control, meaning that they still express emotions, but these expressions are appropriate, and not uncontrolled outbursts.

This is a powerful meme in promoting the exploration of the greater possibilities of life. It creates information networks and networks of people which easily adapt to changing needs.

Seventh meme thinkers are concerned with the endangered world environment and want to restore viability and ecological order. Their purpose of living includes being independent within reason, knowledgeable as much as possible, and caring for others within practical limits. They are accountable to themselves as responsible individuals, yet embrace their community of associates. Rather than striving to have things or to achieve things, they prefer to pursue personal development along a pathway that is natural to them.

They can interact with people of the first six memes and speak their psychological language. They respect others’ world views and unique habits, customs and cultures, even if they don’t necessarily agree with them.

This meme brings a high sense of self-esteem based upon information as much as emotion. It brings an enlightened self-acceptance which acknowledges and accepts their own shortcomings and faults as mere stages along the way to acquiring more skills.

Meme 8 – Holistic, global view

Spiritual awareness, learning through simply being as well as doing. Becoming conscious of the superconscious, trusting intuition. This meme started to spread in the cultural and spiritual awakening of the mid-1960s. Those seekers who found this pattern of thinking launched a whole new movement of spiritual awareness. This spiritual renaissance has the potential to develop the awareness to carry humanity through The Shift and into the New Reality.

This meme has a global village outlook, and seeks projects and solutions that will work well for the whole planet. It contains the vision to bring order out of chaos.

Because of the incredible power of the second tier of memes, these will accelerate the transformation of the world as they become more and more widely adopted.

Meme 9 – The mystery meme

The authors of Spiral Dynamics have identified meme number nine. They call this the Coral meme, but they have not observed it in large quantities of people, so they cannot yet summarize its characteristics.

However, using basic metaphysical principles, you can predict exactly what meme number nine will become. Continue reading in The Awesome Power of the Mystery Meme

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Thoughtspeed: The Speed of Thought in Free Space

by Owen Waters

Old ideas give way to new ones. Old barriers, sooner or later, crumble and fade away.

One idea that is crumbling today is the idea that nothing in the universe can go faster than lightspeed. This will be replaced by a recognition that thought travels many thousands of times faster than lightspeed – at the speed of thought in free space, or thoughtspeed.

In the early Star Trek series on television, the mission of the Starship Enterprise was to explore the universe and boldly go where no one has gone before. The Enterprise was able to exceed light speed; quite considerably, it would seem, as it was supposed to have traveled to the edge of the Milky Way galaxy in just a few hours. The cruising speed actually required for such a feat is millions of times lightspeed.

Science fiction is often a medium for possibility thinking. The possibility of humans touring the galaxy and beyond seems eminently reasonable. After all, human potential is, by design, unlimited. There is no way in creation that the universe can be just a set of pretty lights that we never get to explore!

Today, the shift towards recognizing thoughtspeed is just beginning. Faster-than-light phenomena are being observed by today’s physicists when they see the effects of subatomic particles communicating with each other. When a subatomic particle bumps into another one, they become ‘friends’ and carry on communicating with each other. The fact that they then become separated by millions of miles does not reduce their willingness to communicate. When something happens to one particle, it lets the other particle know about it and, in pure empathy, it reacts in a like manner.

We know from the work of insightful pioneers like biologist Rupert Sheldrake that telepathy works, but how fast does it work? As thoughts are nonphysical, they certainly are not limited by lightspeed. The question is, how much faster than light is the speed of thought in free space? It is likely thousands of times, and possibly millions of times, faster.

In 2013, scientists in China used the latest in high-speed measuring devices to gain an idea of how fast energy particles communicate with each other across a 15 km (9 mile) distance. The equipment is still not sophisticated enough to produce a definite figure, but they did determine that the speed of particle communication is at least 10,000 times faster than the speed of light.

What’s next? Send particles over really long distances… like to the Moon? Then, when an earthbound particle reacts at thoughtspeed to its friend’s change of state as it reaches the Moon, you’d have a much better idea of the true speed of thought in free space.

In the 1940s, aircraft were limited to the speed of sound until they found a way through the sound barrier and were then able to travel at supersonic speeds. One day, when our spaceship propulsion drives are capable of accelerating ships to lightspeed, we will find a way for them to break the light barrier.

Then, we won’t be just looking up at the night sky any more. We’ll be flying through it, going where no one has gone before.

*Owen Waters is the author of Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom.

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Science Proves the Existence of the Creator of the Universe

by Owen Waters

nebulaScience is in general agreement about the existence of a Big Bang, from which the universe is said to have literally exploded into life. The problem science faces with this theory is the difficulty that such a Big Bang would face in being successful in creating life.

In his book, The Life of the Cosmos, physicist Lee Smolin details the many variables which had to be exactly balanced in order for the universe to unfold into living order, rather than random chaos.

The mass of the proton, the strength of gravity, the range of the weak nuclear force, and dozens of other variables determine how a universe will unfold after a Big Bang. If any of these values had been just slightly different, the universe would have become a disorganized pool of hot plasma where galaxies and solar systems were unable to form.

In order to make a universe that supports life, the numbers have to be exactly right.

What are the mathematical chances of an accidental Big Bang producing a universe that produces life as we know it?

Life as we know it

One chance in 10229

That’s one chance in 10 to the power 229.

To spell it out, that’s exactly one chance in…


Basically, not much chance at all!

What are the chances of an intelligent Creator getting the mix just right so that the universe can support life?

Well, we’re here aren’t we?

Now, Here’s What Really Happened at the Dawn of Creation

So much for the physics and its favorite tool, mathematics. But, to realize what really happened at the dawn of the Creation of the Universe, you need metaphysics to illuminate the path.

The real starting point of the universe was the Divine Love of the Creator.

This was necessary in order to contain what came next, the impetus for Expansion.

Today, the Expansion pressure slightly exceeds the magnetic containment power of the framework provided by Divine Love.

This results in the steady expansion of the universe at the speed of light, creating a constant flow of energy within the universe at the speed of light.

The Nature of Energy

Physics defines energy as the potential for doing work but they don’t know what it is.

Metaphysics defines energy as compressed Divine consciousness.

It’s what comes pouring out of the suns, causing the constant expansion of the universe.

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The Infinite Being Meditation

by Owen K Waters

hibiscusPeace can sometimes be so far away, and inner bliss… even farther away.

Take the time now to spend some real quality time by going within. Find that sense of peace that lies within. Visit the place where inner bliss dwells and waits patiently for your return.

Let yourself unwind and compose yourself for a few precious moments of peace. Remember that your mind is much more far-reaching than your physical brain. Your mind, as consciousness, is nonphysical, while your brain is just the physical translator of your consciousness.

Your mind, therefore, always has the ability to tell your brain;

“Shsh! It’s meditation time!”

Focus your mind away from the clutter of day-to-day living and turn your attention inwards to the peaceful core of your inner being. Then think of the deepest possible state of consciousness.

And what could that state be?

It is the state of consciousness known as Infinite Being. The word Infinite reflects the idea of ultimate, while the word Being refers to a state of awareness, rather than a doing activity. Infinite Being is infinite consciousness without a focus upon any specific activity.

Infinite Being doesn’t have to do anything, it already is everything.

It is important to appreciate that the state of Infinite Being is not “out there” somewhere external to us. Infinite Being encompasses all consciousness, including all manifestation. We are that consciousness, as is everything else in existence.

The Most Powerful Affirmation

sunsetpalmsIn meditation practices, affirmations are often used to focus the mind. By simply repeating the words, “I am,” you affirm your true nature as consciousness. In the case of the Infinite Being meditation, we affirm our innermost identity as the ultimate, infinite consciousness.

The affirmation “I am Infinite Being” is the most powerful affirmation possible within the English language.

The phrase “I am Infinite Being” is an affirmation of your oneness with the ultimate potential, the source of all life, the consciousness from which all life sprang. You are one with that universal consciousness. Everything in manifestation is one with that universal consciousness. Now is the time to consciously affirm your ultimate potential. It may take courage to begin with, but the results are more than worth the effort.

If you find issues arising, such as a feeling of unworthiness in your alignment with the ‘All That Is,’ with Infinite Being, just let those thoughts go, then gently bring your mind back into focus upon the affirmation. You do not have to justify the words, or settle any internal argument about them, just because of some prior conditioning as to how someone said you “should” think in this life. Think independently, think infinitely, and you will connect with the consciousness of your ultimate potential.

Have the inner discipline to stay with the affirmation and let any issues fade away unchallenged. Your inner self knows the meaning of the words and resonates in joy with their exact and literal truth. Every time you make this affirmation, you become more connected with Infinite Being. Any lesser thoughts are then healed within the light of greater truth.

Find a quiet space to sit down for a few minutes, close your eyes, and start looking for the quiet space within. To keep your brain occupied with the task at hand, focus your attention on the slow, even flow of your breath as it passes in and out of your nostrils.

As you breathe each in-breath, mentally repeat the affirmation “I am Infinite Being.”

On the out-breath, simply allow your attention to follow the flow of air from your nostrils. To induce an immediate calming effect, allow each out-breath to take longer than each in-breath.

Life energy, also known as etheric energy, is conditioned primarily within the human spinal column. From there it is distributed to the rest of the body via the subtle nervous system. Most key functions in the human body owe their operation primarily to the supply of etheric life energy, rather than to the supply of electrical energy. Etheric energy, like consciousness, is non-physical and yet it is behind all life.

To help enhance the natural flow of life energy within your spine while performing this meditation it is preferable to sit upright in an erect chair. As you progress with this meditation, the natural flow of life energy within your spine will become enhanced, bringing an enlivened awareness to your consciousness.

When distracting thoughts arise – which they will – treat them with patience and understanding. Put each distracting thought aside so that you can continue with the Infinite Being meditation. If a thought seems important or urgent, then it will be sure to return later, after your meditation session has finished.

There are a number of ways to enhance your meditation experience. One is to reserve a small space, such as the corner of a quiet room, where only meditation is conducted. That space then becomes more conducive to a meditation environment. A small table or surface can be covered with items that you connect with spiritual practice. Candles and incense are especially useful as they provide some initial focus for the senses.

It also helps to always use the same chair, one that is constructed primarily of a non-metallic material. Metal chairs attract etheric life energy away from you, which is great for the chair, but not so good for the meditation session.

A small clock completes your setting, and clean, light clothing, reserved especially for meditation, further enhances the atmosphere. A shower or bath before meditation is very valuable, as water is a powerful cleanser. If, for example, you have just come home from a hectic day at work, then your energy body will be filled with the distractions of the day, stored in etheric energy form.

The water that cleanses you in a shower or bath not only cleanses you of physical impurities, but, more importantly, it also cleanses the etheric energy impurities that do not belong in your energy body.

The reason that water is such an effective energy cleanser lies in its chemical composition. Water consists of H2O – hydrogen and oxygen. Oxygen is not just a chemical that the body needs. Its greater role is to carry life-giving, etheric energy. When you shower, your etheric body is being washed with the water’s flow of cleansing, etheric energy.

Make Spirituality Your Number One Priority

The best investment of your time each day is to spend 20 minutes in meditation. Make the time for this to happen. Make it the day’s first priority. The easiest habit to adopt is one which makes up the first activity of the day. Making it a routine will also reinforce the effects of the meditation.

If you are hungry to the point of distraction before a meditation session, then have some light refreshment, such as fruit or juice. Conversely, a full stomach after a heavy meal will have a deadening effect upon the higher possibilities of your meditation session, so plan to eat any large meals at least two hours ahead.

The Aims of the Infinite Being Meditation

  • To quiet your daily brain activity by focusing on rhythmic activities that induce a spiritual focus.
  • To affirm your connection to the highest possible state of awareness.
  • To charge your system with additional life energy through controlled breathing.
  • To create a Being Space, where your consciousness can move easily into the experience of your inner state of being.

The Complete Infinite Being Meditation Technique

  1. Take a few moments to completely relax your physical body. Sit in an upright chair with your eyes closed, then clench your feet, toes and leg muscles. Release the tension and let your feet and legs relax completely. Do the same clench-and-release process for your stomach, chest and back; then your arms and hands; then your neck and face.
  2. In preparation, take three deep breaths and exhale each one completely.
  3. Now focus your attention on the slow, even flow of breath as it passes in and out of your nostrils.
  4. As you breathe each in-breath, mentally repeat the affirmation,
    “I am Infinite Being.”
  5. On the out-breath, allow your attention to follow the flow of air from your nostrils. To induce an immediate calming effect, slow each out-breath and allow it to take up to twice as long as each in-breath.
  6. To make a space for your consciousness to dip into the experience of being, pause at the end of the out-breath. Hold the breath out of your body until you feel the need to inhale again. This will typically be for around three seconds, sometimes less. When you are in this motionless quiet space, don’t think, just be. Subtle impressions may arise from your inner self in this Being Space. The end of each breathing cycle is your personal communion space with your inner being. Ignore surface mental noise – words and feelings that jump into your attention – and maintain your focus upon the quiet inner space and subtle impressions of higher consciousness. Nothing loud comes from your inner being. Focus your awareness upon your inner silence. With practice, this is a time when great insights and inspiration quietly dawn upon your awareness.
  7. Repeat this cycle of breathing and being for 20 minutes.


The affirmation “I am Infinite Being” is the most powerful affirmation possible within the English language.

An effective meditation technique opens the door to more inspiration, love and creativity into your life.

Happy surfing upon the realms of spiritual awareness!

*Owen Waters is the author of The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness.

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